Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1146: 1146: New information (1)

Speaking of her missing roommate, Liu Wenna's expression was a bit tangled: "I haven't known her for a long time, but because we are in the same dormitory, the relationship is pretty good. She studies well and looks pretty, but the family background is not very good. , I have a strong self-esteem, and I...maybe because of a good family background, sometimes it will inevitably stimulate her self-esteem. Therefore, she does not want to go to my house. I understand it very well, but I did not expect her to Missing in the bedroom."

Perhaps because of thinking about some of Yang Wan's past, Liu Wenna's expression became a little sad.

"Actually, I don't have many friends. Yang Wan is indeed a very good friend."

After a while, Liu Wenna sighed suddenly, raised her eyes, and looked at Ning Huanxin seriously: "No matter what others say or how the school handles it, I always believe that 808 must have some mysterious power, so I advise you Don’t stay there anymore, you’re fine now, maybe it’s just not time yet."

The mysterious magnetic field does not appear often, but as long as it appears, it cannot be resisted by humans.

"Thank you senior sister."

Ning Huanxin nodded at Liu Wenna. Although Liu Wenna didn't know much about 808, the information was enough!

"Senior sister, I won't bother you anymore, I'm leaving now!"

Ning Huanxin stood up and was about to leave, but instead of leaving immediately, she took out her mobile phone.

"Senior sister, exchange phone calls, in case you think of any suspicious information in the future, you can call me anytime!"

"it is good."

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Liu Wenna nodded and exchanged contact information with Ning Huanxin. It was not until Ning Huanxin left that Liu Wenna turned back to the living room, the empty big house, extremely lonely.

"Bick, come here."

Liu Wenna sat on the sofa and called out softly. The pure white Akita immediately ran over, and then subconsciously lay down at Liu Wenna's feet.

This is really a very docile and obedient pet dog.

"Bick, only you are with me, is it... Am I really a lone star? Everyone is going to leave me, friends leave me, relatives leave me, he... also I go."

"Only you, I only have you."

Perhaps it was Ning Huanxin's mention of Yang Wan's matter that made Liu Wenna feel sad. She was very depressed, leaning on the sofa, her eyes blankly looking at the crystal lamp above her head...


After coming out of Taohuayuan, Ning Huanxin did not return to school, but instead called Wang Qichao and asked him to go to a more famous restaurant in the city center.

Half an hour later, Ning Huanxin had arrived at the door of the restaurant, and Wang Qichao also drove a white car, arriving late.

"Uncle Wang."

Ning Huan stepped forward and greeted her, and Wang Qichao smiled at her: "Girl, do you know? Every time you find me, I feel pain and happiness! Because every time you invite me to a big meal, It’s just...every time you find me there is a case!

Ning Huanxin:...

So there is such a thing?

Ning Huanxin recalled it for a while, it seemed that this was really the case!


With an awkward smile, she took Wang Qichao into the restaurant and asked for a small private room that would not be disturbed.

"Uncle Wang, it's been a long time, don't hesitate to order what you want, I will pay."

Ning Huanxin was as bold as ever.

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