Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1161: 1161: The Tribulation of Ghost Repair (2)

"He must be willing!"

Ning Huanxin nodded vigorously at this time, and muttered softly: "When we get home, let's study with Big Brother!"

If Lin Qiuhan can reshape his body as soon as possible, then the eldest brother and her will be able to bear fruit earlier, and the lovers will eventually become married, which is really a wonderful thing.


Jiang drove harder and nodded heavily.

Don't you distract your brother-in-law this time?

Everyone: So the point is here!


Yuhai Mountain, Gu's Manor.

Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing are already very familiar with each other in Gu’s family. Today is the weekend, and Gu Chen is back, but he went to the Gu’s library as soon as he came back. I don’t know what the excitement was at school and neither did dinner. After eating, I went to read.

Hey, we don’t understand the world of learning tyrants.

Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing went directly to Gu Xiao. Today Gu Xiao asked people to prepare some home-cooked dishes, which Ning Huanxin liked.

"Big Brother!"

Ning Huanxin called to Gu Xiao as soon as he entered the door.

"came back!"

Gu Xiao was sitting at the dining table and beckoning to Ning Huanxin, her tone was the same as her expression, full of gentleness: "Come here, are you hungry? All you love to eat!"


Ning Huanxin opened her mouth exaggeratedly, and said excitedly: "I can smell the fragrance as soon as I walk in, thank you, brother."

"You like it."

Gu Xiao looked at Ning Huanxin gently, and when she turned her head again, she saw Jiang Lixing's figure, and her eyes changed immediately.

This eldest brother-in-law really said that when you change your face, you change your face.

Fortunately, King Jiang has long been used to it.

"Strictly, come and sit down too!"

Gu Xiao's attitude towards Jiang Lixing has always been this way. He is not afraid of his identity. On the contrary, because Jiang Lixing abducted his favorite sister, Gu Xiao has always been cold towards Jiang Lixing.


Jiang Lixing nodded and sat directly next to Ning Huanxin.

"By the way, big brother! Where's Sister Qiu Han?"

Ning Huanxin looked around at this time. She didn't feel the breath of Lin Qiuhan. Didn't she always follow her brother in the past?

"Qiu Han and Mo Xiao, Mo Yu, they are both in retreat."

Gu Xiao said softly.

Ning Huanxin didn’t bring Mo Xiao with him when she went to school, so she and Mo Yu stayed at the Gu’s house, with the help of Gu Xiao and Lin Qiuhan. Recently, Mo Yu and Mo Xiao both practiced new techniques, so I have been practicing hard in retreat.

As for Lin Qiuhan...

Gu Xiao thought of Lin Qiuhan, her eyes changed slightly.

In these recent days, Lin Qiuhan worked harder than ever before, because...She used to only hope to escape from the underworld and hang around in the world, but now, she wants more.

She wants to be with Gu Xiao, together in an open and honest manner.

She wants to marry him, grow old together, have children and grandchildren, and the premise of all this is...she needs a rightful identity.

And this identity, only cultivation can help her achieve.

As long as the thousand-year-old ghosts have enough cultivation base, they can practice as ghosts and immortals after experiencing the catastrophe!

If Guixian is willing, he can reshape his body!

It's just... how can ghosts be so successful in cultivation?

Especially Lin Qiuhan this thousand-year-old ghost, she has killed countless people over the years, and her hands are full of blood.

All ghost repairs are divided into two levels, the first level is called Xin Jie!

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