Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1162: 1162: Can the underworld also go through the back door?

The heart demon is your heart demon. As many evils as you have, there are as many evil spirits as you have. Once you begin to experience the calamity, you will be trapped by the heart and evil! This is a very difficult calamity to pass.

And even if you get through the Heart Tribulation by chance, you still have to accept the test of the second level of the Tribulation of Heaven, this level of Tribulation is the Death Tribulation!

Let it die and live!

Only people (ghosts) who have experienced death can become immortals and rise in the day!

Since ancient times, countless people have embraced the Dao and practiced hard, but how many of them have truly become immortals?


"Sister Qiuhan must be very hard these days, eldest brother, in fact, Ah Xing can help you!"

Ning Huanxin could see what Gu Xiao was up to, she immediately whispered, and then gently took Jiang Lixing's hand.


Gu Xiao was taken aback and looked up at Jiang Lixing who was sitting opposite.

"Have you forgotten who I am?"

Jiang Lixing looked at Gu Xiao, smiled faintly, and then slowly said: "Actually, there is a place in our underworld where we can temper Li Gui's karma and help them eliminate their inner demons, so it will be easy for them to overcome the calamity."


Hearing Jiang Lixing's words, Gu Xiao's eyes sparkled immediately.


"Do you want to go back to the underworld? Is that place very dangerous? Qiu Han alone..."

Gu Xiao was still very worried. After all, it was a netherworld, and if Lin Qiuhan was alone... how could he relax?

"You can also go together and protect the law for her!"

Jiang Lixing spoke again, his words were astonishing!

"Can I go too?"

Gu Xiao looked at Jiang Lixing incredulously. Even though he came from a family of Xuanmen, Gu Xiao hadn't heard of any Xuanmen member who went to the underworld.

After all, it should belong to another world.

There is an unbreakable barrier with the world.

"Normal living people can't enter the underworld naturally, but you are a monk. If I take you in and use mystery method to hide the living breath of you, then there will be no problem!"

Jiang Lixing was very determined. As the King of Qin Guang, it was really easy to take one or two people to the underworld.

"If it is really possible, Qiu Han and I are willing to give it a try!"

Gu Xiao looked at Jiang Lixing with awe-inspiring eyes. This was an opportunity, and neither he nor Lin Qiuhan would give up.

"Well, then you guys can get ready. When you are ready, you can find me."

Jiang Lixing whispered, and when he arrived at the underworld, he had the final say. He naturally wouldn't let Gu Xiao and the others be in any danger, but...it was still possible to let them stay in the underworld for more days!

By then, without this obtrusive brother-in-law, he and his little daughter-in-law will be able to enjoy the two-person world!


Hearing the conversation between Jiang Lixing and Gu Xiao, Ning Huanxin was eating while his eyes flickered——

So can Ahang take the living to the underworld?

So does it mean that he can also take himself?

In fact, Ning Huanxin was really interested in a three-day tour of the capital city.

Ning Huanxin didn't think he thought it was too far, and the expression on his face was also very strange.

"what are you thinking?"

Seeing her with a rich expression on her face, Jiang Lixing beside her suddenly turned to ask.

"It's nothing, I'm just happy for Big Brother and Sister Qiuhan."

Ning Huan lowered his eyes and concealed his true thoughts. Don't let Jiang Lixing know that he actually has such naive and sexual thoughts.

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