Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1163: 1163: Another time and space?

After dinner, Ning Huanxin sent the name list and information of Qin Meng's class of students that Lin Jianping helped him to find to Jiang Lixing.

"Axing, your Jiang family is very powerful in Yenching. You help me find out who are still living in Yenching? Who are the children of the powerful family!"

"it is good."

After opening the information Ning Huanxin sent to him, Jiang Lixing glanced casually: "Huaxin, has the Qin Meng case you are investigating have made progress?"

Because this was the task of the WeChat system of the Difu, and this WeChat system was bound to Ning Huanxin by Jiang Lixing, so he naturally knew what Ning Huanxin's task was.

Hearing Jiang Lixing’s words, Ning Huanxin nodded earnestly, and then said in a low voice, “I suspect that the person who bowed to Qin Meng back then might have been bought by someone, or that she was rejected by those crazy pursuit of her. Who did it, and that person should have a strong background."

Since the above can take the initiative to speak and pressure to close the case, it is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Lixing nodded: "Okay, I will help you find out all their information, and I will send you what you want tomorrow."

For Jiang Lixing, these personal data can be obtained in one night. He does not even need to use any spiritual power himself. Jiang's information network in Yanjing can do this!

"Haixin, is there any progress on 808?"

Compared with Chen Anwen's case, the 808 incident is even more mysterious.

"Still clueless."

Ning Huanxin shook his head and sighed: "However, I have talked to Liu Wenna and she told me something. If everything she said is true, then..."

Ning Huan's heart paused, suddenly raised his eyes, stared at Jiang Lixing's face, and said lowly: "Axing, you said...Is 808 located at a certain time and space node? So, will it be in the 808 bedroom? There will be a certain mysterious magnetic field at regular intervals, and there will be phantoms and sounds that are both illusory and real. Those, maybe they are real, but... exist in another space! And 808 is the junction of these two spaces. , Every other day, when the time-space junction is weak or there is a flaw, or even overlaps with each other, the two time-spaces will be opened up, and the 808 people enter that time-space, it's like...time-space travel!"

and so--

Zhuang Xiaoqing and Yang Wan, they are indeed not dead, nor missing, they just...crossed to another time and space!

Ning Huanxin’s conjecture is not groundless, because when she heard Liu Wenna’s experience, she suddenly thought of everything she had encountered in Lianhua Village. At that time, at the junction of the painted world and the real world, she and Yue Xinyi were in a trance. I feel the existence of Xu Liwei...



Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Lixing said nothing.

Zhuang Xiaoqing and Yang Wan did not die, because in the life and death history of the underworld, their names disappeared mysteriously at the moment they disappeared!

It seems that such two people have never appeared in this world.

"Perhaps, they really have gone to another world!"

Jiang Lixing looked strange when he said this, because he suddenly thought of that person.

master Yi!

I couldn't find out Master Yi's information, and couldn't feel his breath.

Could it be...

He is not from this world?

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