Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1168: 1168: Memories of Zhan Tianyu (3)

As Zhan Tianyu said, he recalled: "I remember that the two male classmates stayed at school because they were far away from home and their family background was not good. One of them was Liu Zhen. The other was Qi Hai. Liu Zhen seemed to be with him. Qin Meng had a good relationship. He seemed to be working with Qin Meng in a hot pot restaurant at the time. Because he and Qin Meng were close, Song Ye used to find someone to beat him up!"

Liu Zhen, Qi Hai?

Ning Huanxin flipped through the information in his mobile phone and immediately found the background information of the two people. They were both foreigners. They left Yanjing after graduation. Because they didn't work in Yanjing, let alone a civil servant, Jiang's family stayed there for one day. There is no way to find out the specific working place and family background of these two people.

Ning Huanxin flipped through the pictures of the two people. Liu Zhen was a little dark and not handsome, but he looked very strong and tall, while Qi Hai looked thin and malnourished.

"Song Ye found someone to beat Liu Zhen, so Liu Zhen and Song Ye should be considered Liangzi? Did Qin Meng have conflicts before and after the accident?"

Ning Huanxin didn't want to let go of any clues, any inconspicuous clues could be the key to overturning the case!

Who is behind that incident?

Everyone is doubtful, including this Zhan Tianyu in front of him.

Although he did not stay in school, he was indeed in Yanjing that summer!

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Zhan Tianyu shook his head: "After Qin Meng's accident, she dropped out of school. After the new semester, Song Ye has a new goal. Where can I remember Liu Zhen? But... this Song Ye It’s really evil too. Who did he fancy, and who was unlucky. At the beginning of the new semester, he fancyed the primary school girl from the Department of Architecture, Yang Wan of 808. Who knows, after he pursued for a while, Yang Wan mysteriously disappeared. !"

Speaking of this, Zhan Tianyu still felt incredible.

"After Yang Wan disappeared, has no one asked Song Ye for questioning?"

Ning Huanxin took the opportunity to ask Zhan Tianyu again. Hearing what Ning Huanxin said, Zhan Tianyu suddenly smiled: "Song Ye’s father is a man with a face and a face. The police dare not offend him. Besides, he also has his own. The alibi proved that whether it was Qin Meng's or Yang Wan's matter, he could separate the relationship."


Hearing what Zhan Tianyu said, Ning Huanxin always felt that he had something in his words.

"You and Song Ye used to have a good relationship. You must know a lot about him. I think...Is there something you dare not say? Or are you hesitant to say it?"

Ning Huan looked at Zhan Tianyu with serious eyes. She hoped that Zhan Tianyu would realize the seriousness of this matter.

Zhan Tianyu was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Ning Huanxin. He hesitated for a moment, as if he had made a big decision, then suddenly raised his head and stared at Ning Huanxin.

"Yes, when we went out for a drink together, one of my buddies asked Song Ye and said that the two beauties he had pursued had troubles one after another. Did he have bad luck, or did he find someone to do something? Ye also drank a few more glasses. He told everyone that he had disappeared before 808, that place was very evil, and Yang Wan's affairs had nothing to do with him, but...Qin Meng's affairs, the woman toasted If he doesn't eat or drink fine wine, he just spends money to teach her a life-long lesson!"

Spend money to teach Qin Meng a lesson?

Can it be understood that Song Ye bought someone to insult and insult Qin Meng?

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