"That was just Song Ye's drunken drunkenness, even if we heard it, we couldn't take it seriously, and at that time Qin Meng's case had already been understood, and the real murderer had died, so our group didn't care anymore."

Zhan Tianyu continued to remember.

What if you know that Chen Anwen was wronged?

They are just ordinary students, not police, and even messengers of justice.

Moreover, Song Ye's family is powerful and powerful, and ordinary people can't beat him.

"In a blink of an eye, more than six years have passed since that incident."

At this time, Zhan Tianyu recovered and sighed. He didn't know why he wanted to tell this secret, but after saying it, he suddenly felt much better.

"Ms. Ning, is anyone going to investigate Qin Meng's case again now?"

Zhan Tianyu asked Ning Huanxin, then quietly looked at her, waiting for her answer.


Ning Huanxin nodded, she didn't hide anything, let alone be afraid of stunned snakes.

In fact, she even hopes that she can lead the snake out of the hole.

If Song Ye really did this before, then he knew that someone had to vindicate Chen Anwen, and he would probably do something.

"It turned out to be like this, hey, I hope this case will come to light one day, but... I seem to have heard that Qin Meng is now married and having children. I wonder if this matter will affect her?"

After all, Qin Meng is the goddess Zhan Tianyu once liked secretly, and he still encountered such a poor girl, so he still misses her even now.

"I don't want to disturb her, she is also one of the victims, but if you really find the real murderer, you still have to contact her."

At least, Qin Meng and her parents must know who the real culprit is, so that Chen Anwen can be completely innocent!


Ning Huanxin has initially locked the suspected object on Song Ye's body. Did he do it himself, or did he really spend money to find someone to do it? I believe that as long as you carefully check Song Ye's past, you can find something. .


On Sunday, it was still Jiang Lixing who sent Ning Huanxin back to school. He was silent and silent along the way. More often, it meant that he was a little worried about her.

"Well, just stop at the school gate."

Ning Huanxin suddenly whispered, by this time the car had already arrived outside the gate of Yanbei University.

It was already dark, and Ning Huanxin took his carry-on bag and unconsciously released the seat belt.


Jiang Lixing suddenly grabbed Ning Huanxin's hand. He didn't know why, but this time he suddenly felt shocked. He always felt...something beyond his control was about to happen.

"Ahang, what's the matter?"

Ning Huan turned his head, smiling at Jiang Lixing.

"You... be careful."

Jiang Lixing exerted a slight force and held Ning Huanxin's hand tightly.

"Got it! I'll be careful, and you should go back soon, drive well, don't be distracted!"

Ning Huanxin smiled at Jiang Lixing, then took out his hand, and then slowly got out of the car, watching Ning Huanxin's figure gradually go away, Jiang Lixing still parked the car at the school gate, across the window , Quietly looked at the sky above Yanbei University. The sky above the school seemed to be enveloped by an invisible cloud, making Jiang Lixing subconsciously feel uneasy.

Huanxin, you must be careful!

Girls' bedroom, 808.

When Ning Huanxin returned to the dormitory, the light in the dormitory was on. Mu Yuxin was sitting at the desk in the dormitory reading a book. She immediately raised her eyes and glanced: "Huanxin, you are back."

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