Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1176: 1176: Case Tracking (1)

"I did put away the suicide note, because according to the regulations, Chen Anwen died, and everything he left behind had to be handed over to his family members. I cannot give the suicide note to his son and wife. I don't want to... I don’t want to see an accident in their whole family!"

When Yu Yuesheng said this, he couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

"At the time, I already knew that the case was not that simple. The school was extremely tough, and the boss’s special care, all of this showed that this is not an ordinary case. It involves multiple interests. And Chen Anwen died. Can draw a perfect end to this case, but at that time Chen Anwen’s family did not believe that he would commit the crime at all. If the suicide note appeared in front of them, they would be even more reluctant. Nothing to rely on, who can they rely on? Who can they find to avenge their grievances? If something happens to them, my heart will be even more troubled!"

Therefore, Yu Yuesheng put away the suicide note, although he was a little sorry for Chen Anwen's innocence, but at that time, he could only choose to do so.

This incident has been Yu Yuesheng's heart disease for six years, and it has been bothering him.

Ning Huanxin sat aside and nodded gently. She didn't expect that Yu Yuesheng's purpose of putting away the suicide note was this.

"Then, is Chen Anwen's suicide note still with you now?"

Ning Huanxin asked.


Yu Yuesheng nodded.

"The suicide note is with me, and in the past few years, I have been secretly investigating Chen Anwen's case. Since you are also investigating now, I don't mind telling you the results of my investigation."

As Yu Yuesheng said, he lowered his head habitually, and took out a small notebook from his shirt pocket. This is a note that the criminal police habitually carries with him, and everything recorded in the note, except for Yu Yuesheng, everyone else basically Just can't understand.

"I contacted Qin Meng several times later, because their family also had some doubts. Back then, Qin Meng's family conditions were also very difficult, but at that time their family had the money to hire people to make trouble in Chen Anwen's hometown. This is a big deal. Suspicious, I asked Qin Meng later. She said that a kind-hearted person gave her parents an idea, and some people gave it money, but she didn't know who the money was."

The detective is indeed a detective, with a sharp vision and careful thought.

Ning Huanxin was studying humbly on the sidelines. She felt that she was still far behind Yu Yuesheng.

Yu Yuesheng should be the best criminal policeman like Wang Qichao. If this case had not happened...

"Someone paid for the people of Qin Meng's family to go to Chen Anwen's hometown to make trouble, just to take the charge of Chen Anwen, or to force us to close the case as soon as possible."

While talking, Yu Yuesheng flipped through his investigation notes.

"Two years after the case ended, I was promoted again. When celebrating with my friends, a friend brought up the Qin Meng case that year. I learned from him that I greeted the boss and kept giving We put pressure on Song Bingxian."

"Song Bingxian? Is it Song Ye's father?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly asked.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Yu Yuesheng raised his eyes to look at her and nodded gently.

"Yes, Song Bingxian is Song Ye's father, and Song Ye and Qin Meng are classmates and have pursued Qin Meng. Since then, I have locked all suspicions on Song Ye."

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