Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1177: 1177: Case Tracking (2)

It turned out that Yu Yuesheng had already suspected and investigated Song Ye!

Ning Huanxin nodded and continued to listen to Yu Yuesheng's words.


At this time, Yu Yuesheng sighed and continued: "Unfortunately, Qin Meng had already left Yanjing at that time. I couldn't use Qin Meng to test Song Ye's reaction. Song Ye was young and vigorous at the time, and he often spent time with a group of people. It’s very difficult to find him alone. It’s very difficult to speak from him. But Huangtian didn’t take care of others. Once I followed Song Ye again at night, I happened to meet him fighting with others and drinking. The drunk man fought with a group of punks again. At that time, I saved Song Ye and found a place. While he was drunk, I asked about Qin Meng and made a recording. Song Ye admitted that he was back then. It is true that Qin Meng has a crooked mind, what he cannot get, he will destroy it."

The recording pen has always been well preserved by Yu Yuesheng, and he didn't take it with him today, but the words Song Ye said to him at that time, Yu Yuesheng still remembers clearly in his mind.

"That biaozi, toasting and not eating fine wine, she would dare to refuse this young master's pursuit? She would dare to save the face of this young master? I really thought I had to be her? I even hung myself up to buy, ha, Ben The young master will find someone to strengthen her, and see how she will pretend to be noble, how to pretend to be a chaste woman!"

"According to Song Ye, he spent money to find a gangster, and asked that gangster to follow Qin Meng for a period of time, and then wait for an opportunity. Of course, the people he looked for were very habitual offenders, with great means. There will be flaws and evidence. Song Ye was drunk and confused at the time. What did I ask, what did he say, and he told me what the **** was called from which organization, and said... After the case, he I was also a little scared, and wanted to contact the little bastard, but the little **** suddenly evaporated. After a few days, the little **** named Honglong contacted him and asked for a huge hush fee. Song Ye was also panicked at that time. He used to be lavish and didn’t have any savings at all. Later, he went to his aunt to borrow money, and his parents knew about it. The incident finally came to light, and the Song family gave the punks a bit of sweetness and comforted them in order to calm the situation. He, while putting pressure on the police station, hopes to quickly characterize the case. Once Chen Anwen is caught and settled down, then they will not have any worries in the future."

"Unexpectedly, Yu Ju had investigated the ins and outs of the matter so clearly!"

Hearing Yu Yuesheng’s words, Ning Huan nodded earnestly. Suddenly, her words changed: "However, Yu Ju looks unhappy, and... if you really feel guilty to Chen Anwen, after you find the real murderer, You should rehabilitate him, otherwise your secretly investigating this case will become meaningless and a waste of time. So... can I guess that this case is actually not that simple, and did you find out after in-depth investigation? What's the mystery?"


Hearing Ning Huanxin's suspicion, Yu Yuesheng's eyes brightened. He had long heard that in addition to the talents in the three outstanding cases, they were also masters in solving cases. He didn't expect the little girl in front of him to be so careful.

"Do you have any findings or speculations?"

Yu Yuesheng did not answer Ning Huanxin, but instead asked her with some curiosity and expectation.

He felt that the girl in front of him was not easy, and she might be able to give him a different surprise.

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