Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1233: 1233: He will write the ending (2)

Ning Huanxin saw Chu Yi's movements, she secretly used her spiritual power without even thinking about it, and a red lotus flame ignited on her palm.

The two people suddenly became entangled, and for a while, the atmosphere of the entire National Master Hall changed.

At this moment, suddenly thunder was rolling in the already dim sky, and the wind suddenly started!

this is……

The sky's vision only occurred above the National Master Hall, but the rest of the entire imperial capital was calm!

It turned out that Chu Yi had once again set a barrier for the entire Palace of the National Teacher from when he didn't know.

And this enchantment is obviously different from the last enchantment!

Ning Huanxin also felt the strangeness in the sky at this time.

This was not caused by the collision between her and Chu Yi's magic power, it was probably...

The vision caused by the turbulence of time and space?

Could it be...

Is Jiang strict?

Ning Huan's eyes lit up, and seeing her distracted, Chu Yi on the side suddenly summoned his Xuan'er sword, the dark long sword, as strange and agile as a snake.

While Ning Huanxin was not paying attention, Jianfeng had already torn her clothes and pierced Ning Huanxin's shoulder blades!

A piercing pain suddenly hit.

Ning Huanxin's shoulders were immediately dyed red with a piece of blood.

When the vision in the sky gradually dissipated and a familiar figure broke through the air, Ning Huanxin had already summoned her own Jinghong Sword and held it against Chu Yi.

As soon as Jiang Lixing arrived at this time and space, he felt murderous and suffocating.

This is an area shrouded by mana restriction, and just under this area, Ning Huanxin is facing a man in purple robe.

There was blood on her shoulder.

Actually hurt her?

Jiang Lixing's body immediately set off a shocking anger--

All those who hurt joy will die!

Jiang Lixing's breath is very strong, because he has crossed the barriers of time and space, in this time and space, he will not be suppressed by spells and spiritual power, so Jiang Lixing's body is haunted by a thick black mist in an instant.

These mists are ghostly as well as demonic.

It turned out to be...


Immortals and demons?

It's really an interesting pair.

Chu Yi glanced at Jiang Lixing.

After that, he lowered his eyes to look at Ning Huanxin.

"Your man has come to pick you up, but... everything I can't get, I will destroy it, and you will not be an exception."

As he said, Chu Yi once again swung the Xuan'er sword straight into Ning Huanxin's heart.

Ning Huanxin also immediately concentrated and controlled the Jinghong Sword with spiritual power. When the two swords were facing each other, suddenly, Xuan'er Sword turned into small pieces.

How could this be!

Ning Huan was startled and subconsciously wanted to summon the Jinghong Sword, but Jinghong Sword still went straight to Chu Yi's chest until it pierced his entire body.

At this moment, the mask on Chu Yi's face fell off, his gaze fell on Ning Huanxin, his eyes were very strange.

His blood was still dark red, but every drop of blood did not fall on the ground, but was all sucked into the sword!

this is!

At this moment, Jiang Lixing had already reached Ning Huanxin's side.

After all, Chu Yi was one step faster.

No, it should be said that all of this was already in his plan, and the time he was waiting for was the moment Jiang Lixing arrived.


Chu Yi looked at Jiang Lixing, with a deep smile on his lips.

The first and last time the two men met officially.

"You are late."

Chu Yi's face was so perfect that even Jiang Li Xing had to look sideways.

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