Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1234: 1234: He will write the ending (3)

At this moment, Chu Yi's entire body was changing. His body, his soul, and his blood seemed to be sucked into the Jinghong Sword.

"I am a cursed being."

At this time, Chu Yi still spoke indifferently, but looked at Ning Huanxin gently.

When talking about his life experience for the first time, Chu Yi's tone was calm.

"I can't live like a normal person, nor can I... die like an ordinary person. There is only one person in this world who can kill me, and that's the person I...like."

Ning Huanxin's hand trembled slightly when she heard Chu Yi's words--

Cursed, not old, immortal, can only die in the hands of his beloved.

How vicious is this curse!

"I used to think that I must die, it's really boring, because I... can't learn to like someone, even if it's just a little bit of like."

Chu Yi's voice slowly became very low, because his body was also disappearing.

"But in the end...I was lucky, because I finally waited for you."

You won’t know where I met you for the first time.

You won't know when I first looked at you.

Only I know these.

"You will remember me? Definitely, because..."

Chu Yi suddenly looked at Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing with a weird smile.

"I also cursed you. After I die, everything about me will be incorporated into your shocking sword... I will stay with you for life!"

As long as Jinghongjian is still there, I will be there.

Always there.

My existence will never be erased, and will never be forgotten.

This is the lifetime that Chu Yi wanted.

He always gets what he wants.

"Chu Yi, you...why is this!"

Ning Huan bit her lip and watched Chu Yi's soul and body turn into fragments, and finally all merged into Jinghong Sword.

This peerless murderous soldier now turned into a full-body purple-red, unusually dazzling and unusually sharp!

Ning Huan couldn't think that this was the ending, and Chu Yi had already written the ending.

For Chu Yi, death was the perfect ending.

But later, when he discovered that he could also have feelings, he wanted more and more...

If you can't love me, then just let me stay with you.

This wish shouldn't be too much, right?


"Really a... terrible opponent."

Jiang Lixing felt a little aggrieved for the first time.

But facing such a man who calculated to death, he was still a peerless beautiful man, even Lord Pluto could not say anything else——

The only thing to be thankful for is that this fierce love rival, when he met him.

He is dead.


After calling Ning Huanxin, Jiang Lixing held Ning Huanxin's hand, her hand was extremely cold.

"Are you OK?"

How could it be okay?

But Jiang Lixing didn't know what to ask except for this sentence.

"A line."

Ning Huanxin sighed and turned to look at Jiang Lixing.

"You said...why is he..."

Ning Huan didn't understand, Chu Yi was really a mysterious person, she couldn't understand it from beginning to end.

However, before he died, he had to make a mark on her heart.

"His world, only he understands."

If you knew Master Yi was such a person...

Jiang Lixing would never be interested in him, let alone let the underworld release information and missions to hunt him down.

But now it's too late to say anything.

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