Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1238: 1238: Unforgettable regret

The person guarding Ning Huanxin by the bed was naturally Jiang Lixing.

"I... why am I here?"

Ning Huanxin met Jiang Lixing's tired eyes and asked involuntarily.

"You have been in a coma and were discovered by your schoolmates."

Jiang Lixing spoke lightly, his tone a little hoarse.

Ning Huanxin stayed in the Dong'an Dynasty for more than ten days, but in this world, only one and a half days passed.

Pan Yingying found out that Ning Huanxin and Mu Yuxin had not come to school, and they couldn't get through with their mobile phones. She was very worried, but the other students were afraid of the 808 legend and dared not approach that room.

After that, Pan Yingying went to the school's teacher. Sui Yushu went to the teacher in the dormitory and knocked open the door of 808.

At that time, Jiang Lixing had already returned with Ning Huanxin. In order to avoid extra-junctions, Jiang Lixing hid his figure and helped Ning Huanxin change clothes. So when Sui Yushu and Pan Yingying came in, they saw Ning Huanxin was unconscious on the dormitory bed.

But Mu Yuxin was missing.

"That's how it is."

Jiang Lixing told the story in a low manner: "You have been in a coma for a day and a night."

When talking about this, Jiang Lixing's eyes were distressed.

"Are you... sad?"

Because of that person's death.

Jiang Lixing used to like to eat Fei Jie, even Gu Xiao, as long as he has been close to Ning Huanxin's man, he doesn't like it.

Despite this, Jiang Lixing made it clear that Ning Huanxin was affectionate and friendly to them, and would never have love.


Chu Yi is different.

Chu Yi gave Jiang Lixing a completely different feeling from Jian Yunyi.

That big brother, only silently guards, does not have any aggressiveness.

And Chu Yi, with full attack power, and powerful and terrifying.

A scheming man is more terrifying than a scheming woman.

Jiang Lixing didn't know what he went through with Ning Huanxin.

During that experience, he did not exist.

Moreover, watching Ning Huanxin stabbing Chu Yi to death with his own eyes, and watching Chu Yi's flesh and soul turn into pieces and merge into Ning Huanxin's shocking sword, I have to say that at that moment, Jiang Lixing's heart was also shocked .

He once thought that there is no one in this world who loves her like himself.

But Chu Yi is an exception.

He was obviously dead, but promised to give her a lifelong company. She couldn't refuse such company.

He did not give her a chance to refuse.


"I... was a little sad."

At this moment, Ning Huanxin lowered his eyes and said softly.

Before she finished her words, she shook Jiang Lixing's hand forcefully again: "Axing, don't think too much about me, in fact, I'm just..."

"I know."

Jiang Lixing smiled.

"You can't refuse his existence, so let him exist silently forever."

"Since you can't refuse his likes, and can't erase his likes, just accept it. After all... it's a happy thing to be liked, isn't it?"


Ning Huanxin nodded.

It is indeed a happy thing to be loved so hard by others.

Later on, she was recalling these things, recalling Master Yi, what she could think of was no longer evil cultivation, not brutality and cold blood, but a purple figure, luxurious and mysterious.

That figure, his name is Chu Yi.

That figure will always be buried deep in Ning Huan's heart. Since he can't like it, he won't hate it. Some, maybe it's just regret and distress.

And those mysteries, those mysteries that Chu Yi left behind, will eventually become eternal fog.

There is no such an outstanding person in this world.

Instead, it is a peerless sword!

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