Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1239: 1239: Chu Extra (1)

[Chu Yifan Wai]

Born with purple pupils, lonely star of the evil sky

Chu Yi didn't know who he was or why he was in this world. From the moment he had memories, he knew that he was Chu Yi, he had no father or mother, no relatives or friends, and he was a special existence.

Everyone in this world is afraid of him.

Everyone admires him.

Because he has the most beautiful and unparalleled look in the world, this face can make people in the world intoxicated, and it can also make the whole world flow in blood.

What is the right?

That's just a slightly interesting game when he is bored.

What is feeling?

It was something strange and strange that he had never experienced.

Whether it is gold and silver jewelry, glory and wealth, or peerless beauty.

Nothing will make his heart fluctuate at all.

He doesn't love, he doesn't cry, even... he won't grow old.

Chu Yi didn't know how long he had lived. When he was bored, he provoked a war and split the entire continent into several countries, then let them fight each other, and finally rule the world.

In this way, generation after generation, the vicissitudes of life on the entire continent.

He watched many people die, watched many people born, watched the rise and fall of a dynasty from generation to generation.

He still lives boringly.

Even death is an extravagant hope.

Yes, others can't kill him because he is not a human being, and even he himself doesn't know what he is.

However, often at night when the moon was full, Chu Yi would dream.

There was a woman in the dream crying very sadly.

While crying, she cursed fiercely...

Chu Yi didn't know who that woman was, or why she cursed herself, but he remembered the curse clearly.

He was cursed and could only die in the hands of his beloved.

The problem is...

He doesn't understand love at all.

What exactly is love?

Chu Yi tried to find a lot of girls. It didn't matter whether she was beautiful, but the most important thing was that it could bring him a different feeling.

However, he traveled all over the world, and he could not find a woman that could make his heart have a slight ripple.

Even if it only feels a little bit.

In the end, he failed.

Chu Yi was a little disappointed, maybe, is this his fate?

He began to try to accept this fate, and he stayed in the Palace of the National Teacher with peace of mind.

Whether it is ten years, twenty years, one hundred years or two hundred years, it is just a moment for him.

At this moment, the first miracle in Chu Yi's life appeared.

He inadvertently sensed the magnetic field of another world in the Palace of the National Teacher.

That is a completely different world.

Chu Yi could feel that the world was calling him and attracting him!

As a result, Chu Yi spent a lot of time and spiritual power. In the end, he finally accurately positioned the connection point between the two worlds, and even built a secret room at the connection point.

During the first crossing, Chu Yi was very restless.

Perhaps that was the first time he felt "excited", and the feeling at that moment was really indescribable.

Later, Chu Yi traveled to that world, but he found that his body did not travel. His spirit and soul could travel through the turbulence of time and space, but his body was different.

By the way, he is a cursed person, his body is also cursed, can only stay in that land forever.

It's really sad.


It's passed.

Chu Yi possessed a dying person in the new world. From then on, he also had a normal human body. He changed his name in this world and called Yi Chu!

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