Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1240: 1240: Chu extra (2)

Chu Yi always thought that this was a miracle in life. He could live like normal people in this new world. He even wanted to learn from those people to love and feel.

But it still failed.


Why, leaving his cursed body, his soul is still not free?

Slowly Chu Yi became irritable again, until a certain **** encountered a mysterious person, who actually saw his origin at a glance——

"You are not one of us, go back wherever you are."

"Where do I come from? I don't know where I come from? Where do I go, I just want to... Just like ordinary people, they have feelings, life and death, soul, and heart."

Chu Yi looked at the mysterious person and suddenly asked in a low voice.

"Can I... get it?"

"People who are too greedy always have to pay the price. If you want to get it, you have to pay first and give up first. If you really want an ending like this, I... can give you pointers."

That person told Chu Yi that he would meet someone in this world, and that person... would adapt his destiny and break his curse.


His ending is not perfect.

Because that person will kill him.

"I can only be killed by the person I like. If there is a person in this world who makes me like that little bit, I would die willingly."

He wants to experience and taste the love and hate between ordinary people.

Therefore, Chu Yi decided to stay in this world, waiting for that person to appear.

However, the life span of people in this world is very short, and their host body suppresses their soul power.

When suppressed to a certain level, Chu Yi's soul would be thrown out of his body. Later, he gradually found a way. He would go back to the Dong'an Dynasty every once in a while to cultivate and replenish spiritual power.

In this way, he shuttled back and forth between the two worlds, and every time he shuttled back here, he needed a lot of soul power.

Since then, there has been a mysterious Master Yi in this world.

Chu Yi collected souls everywhere, and at the same time, in order to adapt to the life of this world, he would also help some people to do things.

There is no difference between good and bad for Chu Yi.

"How do you call the master?"

Those people always ask his name respectfully.

How do these people deserve to know their names?

"My last name is Yi."

Every time, Chu Yi will leave these three words, and slowly, there will be a person named "Master Yi"...

Chu Yi didn't know how many years passed, nor did he remember how many times he crossed, how many souls he collected, he only knew that when he crossed the last time, he encountered an incident——

That day, he suddenly woke up in the night with a sense of feeling. He felt that the magic circle he had arranged to collect souls and grievances had been destroyed.

Although it was not a major event, Chu Yi hadn't remembered whether the place where the formation was deployed was called Wangjiacun or Lijiacun.

To him, life is just a number.

He has no feelings and can't realize the separation of life and death.

Even Chu Yi had hoped for many years that the person who could kill him would appear quickly. He had long wanted to live, so it was meaningless to live so boringly.

Chu Yi didn't know why he had the feeling, he still cared a little bit about this.

And the next day, his classmates called him and asked him if he wanted to go to Nanyun City together?

Nan Yun? It seems to be that place.

Almost forgot to say, this time through, he changed his identity again, he is now a college student, his name is Tang Jiyao.

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