The night scene of Yanjing has always been beautiful, but today Ning Huanxin is not in the mood to enjoy the night scene.

She has been with Xu Changan and Yang A Nuan since the afternoon.

Yang A'nuan has always been worried about Zhou Han's affairs, but whenever Ning Huanxin asked her where Zhou Han had gone, Yang A'nuan would hesitate and refused to answer directly.

"It's almost time now, right?"

Ning Huanxin looked at the time, then turned to look at Yang A Nuan.

Although Yang A Nuan has many things that Ning Huanxin and Xu Changan can't tell Ning Huanxin and Xu Changan, she can still take them to find Zhou Han.

"Well, sister Huanxin, Brother Xu, you help me protect the Fa, I will activate Ling Yin to see if I can sense the position of the senior."

Yang A Nuan said, already sitting aside intently.

Ning Huanxin nodded. She and Xu Changan stood on both sides, quietly gathering the spiritual power in her body to protect Yang A Nuan's position.

At this time, Yang A Nuan had slowly closed her eyes, gathering all her spiritual power to sense Zhou Han's spiritual aura.

In front of Yang A Nuan, there is a small butterfly, white, folded out of paper. Although it is a paper butterfly, it is still lifelike.

One minute and one second passed. After half an hour, Yang A Nuan was still running her spiritual power, and the paper butterfly in front of her had slowly risen into the air at this time, always in the air. Hovering around.

Ning Huanxin and Xu Changan looked at the butterfly silently.

That is the spirit of Baiyun Guan, although it is inconspicuous, but it is amazing.

"found it!"

At this moment, Yang A Nuan suddenly opened his eyes, and the paper butterfly also fanned its wings and flew forward slowly.

"Let's go, I found the breath of brother!"

Yang A Nuan looked excited, she quickly caught up with the paper butterfly.

Ning Huanxin and Xu Changan looked at each other, and the two followed.

The white paper butterfly is wrapped in spiritual power, and ordinary people can't see its trace.

And Ning Huanxin and the three of them followed Lingyin's guidance all the way out of the city and walked to the outskirts of Yanjing.

It was spring, and the suburbs were still barren.

The three of them stopped hiding their spiritual power when they arrived in the suburbs, and began to speed up. When passing a lake, Ning Huanxin's entire face changed slightly.

She knows this lake.

Crescent Lake.

"what happened?"

Seeing the sudden change of Ning Huanxin's face, Xu Changan on the side immediately asked her.

"I've been here before. There is a church near here. There is... a place of blood."

Ning Huanxin whispered.

Could it be...

Is Zhou Han really related to vampires?


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Xu Changan also froze for a moment, frowning.

At this time, Yang A Nuan was still chasing Ling Yin and continued to walk, the white butterfly finally stopped near the church, hovering, never daring to move forward.

"This church has restrictions."

Xu Changan took a few steps forward and felt: "This prohibition is very strong."


Yang A'nuan nodded: "Senior brother's breath is over here, should we go in and take a look?"

"It may be dangerous inside, A Nuan, you are behind us."

Ning Huanxin said while holding Yang A Nuan's hand, letting her stand behind her.

"Hai Xin, you back too."

At this time, Xu Changan raised his hand and took out his spirit sword.

He has followed Gu Qianchen for many years, and Gu Qianchen has never been stingy with his proud disciple, so Xu Changan has always had many magic weapons and magic weapons, and they are very powerful.

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