Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1273: 1273: The Last Supper

Xu Changan muttered a few words of magic curse, and then used his spirit sword to break the barrier near the church. As soon as the invisible barrier disappeared, the endless cold and terrifying aura immediately rushed toward his face.

This kind of breath is really strong, making Xu Changan feel cold all over, every cell in his body seems to be attacked by the cold, very terrible.

"This blood clan is very powerful."

Xu Changan lowered his voice, he already felt the horror here.

"If something unexpected happens in a while, I'm glad that you take A Nuan and go first, and I will break."

Hearing Xu Changan's words, Ning Huanxin did not speak, but subconsciously grasped Yang A Nuan's hand. She remembered the scene when she was here last time.

She knows how powerful the blood clan is. Last time, she and Lin Qiuhan also fled in a panic.

But this time...

"Let's go in."

Ning Huanxin said that he had walked forward slowly.

The courtyard of the church, like the last time Ning Huanxin came, is very dilapidated, but...

As soon as they entered the yard, the three of them smelled the fragrance, which was very strong and floral.

A large swath of red flowers bloomed under the church wall, in full swing.

Even in this dark night, it is still extremely dazzling.

"what is this flower?"

Yang A Nuan is a little curious, she has never seen such a flower, and the fragrance of this flower is also very strange.

"Everyone, be careful, this flower may be poisonous."

Xu Changan had never seen such a big red flower, it looked like the legendary otheran flower, but he knew it was definitely not.

"I've seen this kind of flower."

Ning Huan concentrated his mind.

She thought of the small shops in the pedestrian street, the beautiful and intelligent blind girl, and the gentleman-like Pesh.

Could it be...

Is the kin who lives here Pesh?

"Pesh, is that you?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly asked at the door of the church.

Unfortunately, she did not get any response.

"Brother, are you here?"

Yang A Nuan also yelled at this time, but unfortunately, there was still no response.

"Let's go in and take a look."

Xu Changan walked towards the gate of the church with cold eyes.


When he pushed open the door hard, countless bats flew out from the door, with a large shadow!

Fortunately, the three of them were well prepared to protect their bodies with spiritual power.

When the bats all flew away, the entire interior of the church looked like it was in front of three people.

This is a long-abandoned church. There are no prayer benches in the church. There is only one rectangular table in the whole church. The table is extremely long, covered with a white tablecloth, and it is spotless.

There were wine glasses and tableware on the table, and each wine glass was full of wine, bright red, like blood.

"The Last Supper."

Ning Huanxin looked at the tableware on the table and whispered softly.

There are thirteen sets of tableware on the table.

Who is this for?

If thirteen represents betrayal, then...

Who is it, who betrayed?

"someone is coming!"

While Ning Huanxin was pondering, Xu Changan suddenly whispered, Ning Huanxin recovered, and his expression immediately changed--

She felt the familiar breath.

Three figures flew over and rushed into the church at an incredible speed.

"why you?"

Looking at the three people in the church, the faces of the three later changed differently.

Haixiu was wearing a black tights, and her long hair had already been neatly pulled back. By looking at her dress, she knew she had entered combat mode.


"Why are you here?"

Wu Chuan stepped forward at this time, looking suspiciously and solemnly at Ning Huanxin and the others.

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