Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1297: 1297: The most beautiful encounter

"Well, all right."

Jiang Xingyu had no objection, she had always been a very gentle and gentle person, especially in front of Pesh.

She is used to being cared by and controlled by him.

She never gets bored, because in this world, there is someone who always cares about you and takes care of you. That is actually a very happy thing.

Seeing Jiang Xingyu turned around and went back, Pesh lowered the curtain between the two rooms, and raised his hand to set up a barrier in the shop room.

"I know you will find here."

Peash glanced at Ning Huanxin, his tone still gentle.

"Sit down, would you like something to drink? Xingyu has coffee and milk tea here."

"I'm not thirsty, I just..."

Ning Huan took a deep look at Peash. Just about to say something, Peash suddenly raised his slender finger and placed it on his lips, making a silent gesture.

"Shhh, don't talk."

Pesh walked lightly and elegantly made a cup of coffee for Ning Huanxin, and then put it down slowly in front of her.

"The first time I saw Xingyu was on a very cold winter night."

Pesh spoke suddenly, talking about his past with Jiang Xingyu.

Ning Huan was stunned, but still listening to his narration quietly, without disturbing him.

"Our kinsmen often fall into deep sleep, and only wake up every other day. After we wake up, we urgently need energy. Of course, for us, the best energy is human blood. The purer the blood, the more sufficient energy."

At this point, Pesh's eyes are a bit complicated.

"That night, I wandered the long street. I had already sucked the blood of one person, which was actually enough. But when I walked to this street, I heard the crisp ringing in the wind and smelled sweetness. the taste of."

The pure blood has an extremely sweet taste.

Pesh was attracted by the taste, and he didn't think he walked to the door of Jiang Xingyu's shop. After that, he saw the pure and beautiful girl in a red down jacket, like an angel.

"Her eyes are really beautiful, brighter and more charming than the stars, but..."

"Sir, are you hurt, do you need help?"

That was the first sentence spoken by Jiang Xingyu and Pesh.

She couldn't see it, but her hearing and sense of smell were very keen. She heard the man's footsteps, very slow, and heavy breathing.

And, most importantly, accompanied by the smell of blood.

Anyone who feels this in the middle of the night will be afraid, but Jiang Xingyu can't see it, and she is not afraid.

Just because she can't see it, she tries her best to fantasize about all the beauty in this world.

What others see may be the cruelty of life, the indifference of human feelings, and the material desires of society.

And she only wants to "see" the best and brightest side of the whole world.

So, she extended a helping hand to Pesh.

Until the matter had passed for a long time, Pesh couldn't help but wanted to ask Jiang Xingyu: "What if it was not me that you met that day, but a vicious criminal?"

"I can't see, I can't run away, so no matter who that person is, I will do that."

If it is really a bad person, she can't get away no matter what she does.

If she is a good person, then she is tantamount to helping someone and saving someone by accident.

This is the world of Jiang Xingyu.

"Xingyu is really good, I like her very much."

Pesh drew attention from the memory, with a gentle and affectionate smile on his lips.

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