Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1298: 1298: Ace's Past

Ning Huanxin believes that affection can't deceive people and can't pretend it.

Therefore, Pesh did not deceive, he really likes Jiang Xingyu.


Why did he tell himself the story of the two of them?

"Miss Ning, I know you, you are a big star, and you are still a monk from Xuanmen, right?"

At this time, Pesh spoke again, with a touch of solemnity in his tone.

"You went to my church that day, did you see the furnishings there?"

At this moment, Pesh was outspoken. He felt that he had nothing to hide from Ning Huan.


Ning Huanxin nodded: "I did go to the church. That's where you live, right? I saw the red flowers and... the things on the church table. Did you prepare those things?"

Thirteen sets of tableware are Ning Huanxin's most curious.

"It's not me, it's my brother, Ace."


Ning Huanxin heard this name for the first time, but she quickly thought of Yang A Nuan's words--

Is Ace the one in Qianyun Mountain that has been sealed for five hundred years?

"Ace is my younger brother, but we have not seen each other for more than five hundred years. We used to have trouble because of competing for the position of the heir to the family. Later, we were sent to the east by our father to practice, and Ace was not lucky. Well, I was chased by a master of Eastern cultivation and was locked up. After that, I inherited the entire family and became the only prince in the family. In a blink of an eye, it has been more than 500 years. I don’t know him. Why did he suddenly appear, and now he still looks very powerful, and he is also followed by a stranger in the profound door."

Speaking of this, Pesh glanced at Ning Huanxin: "You actually came for that person in the profound door, right?"

"Yes, you guessed it right."

Ning Huanxin nodded: "I have a friend who should be with Ace, but... Is that friend controlled by Ace, hijacked, or the two of them are in a cooperative relationship? I'm sure."

The person Ning Huanxin said was naturally Zhou Han.

"I think they should be cooperating, your friend... is planted with the curse of our blood clan, and that curse can only be broken by the blood clan of the prince level!"


A blood curse on Zhou Han? Could it be that Ace gave him it? still is……

"So, Ace is here to find you, and my friend will also come to you to lift the curse, right?"

Ning Huanxin quickly thought of the connection between the two things.

"Ace went out with me back then, but I was the only one to go back. I believe he must have always thought that I betrayed him and betrayed him, so he came back this time to find me revenge. As for your friend, he should It was cursed by Ace and deceived by him, because although the curse can be solved, it consumes all the energy of a blood prince. It is impossible for me to save him. In this world, no People can save him!"


Could it be that Zhou Han...is going to die?

Pesh's words, it took a long time for Ning Huaxin to digest everything.

"Is there really no other way?"

Ning Huanxin finally understood why Zhou Han had to break up with Xie Yudie at this time, because he was not sure how long he could live, maybe...he was going to die soon.

He didn't want to hurt his favorite person, and he didn't want to make his most beloved woman sad because of his death.

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