Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1300: 1300: shelter from rain

The blood races are very powerful, and sinister and strange.

Even if Pesh was so personable and so affectionate, Ning Huanxin was still wary of him.

She accepted the bead and put it directly in her purse. The moment she put it in, Ning Huanxin quietly wrapped the bead with her spiritual power, so she was truly relieved.

"Pesh, since you believe in me and are willing to be friends with me, I have something to ask for your help. You want to find Ace, and we also want to find our friends. Is there any way you can find Ace trace?"

"Well, I can find him, but he is very cunning and knows how to hide."

Vampires are used to appear in the night, they are gentlemen in the dark night, they are the devil in the dark night, and hiding their tracks is one of the required courses for vampires.

"I will give you my phone number. Once you find Ace, please contact me as soon as possible, okay?"

"no problem."

Pesh was willing to cooperate with Ning Huanxin.

After exchanging contact information, Peish suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but remind Ning Huanxin.

"By the way, Ace is very good at imitating and disguising. He can imitate the breath of anyone he knows and familiar with. This time he blatantly committed a murder and imitated my breath and attracted some difficult opponents. Here."

Speaking of this, Peish glanced at Ning Huanxin: "Do you know those people?"

"I know, but we didn't go all the way."

Ning Huan shrugged helplessly: "If they find you, I can't help, you can only find a way by yourself, but... they are just supernatural beings. You are a prince vampire, so would you be afraid?"

Ning Huanxin was curious, really curious.

Why are they so confident in Wu Chuan?

Among the three of them, Lin Xuyang is a water type supernatural power. What type are Wu Chuan and Haixiu?

Could it be...

Is their combination really the nemesis of vampires?

"In your human martial arts dramas, you have mentioned the culprit, the gate of life, no matter how powerful people will have their own culprit, and our blood clan also, of course I will not tell you this."

Although he did not face Wu Chuan and the others, Pesh really felt a fatal threat on those people!

"It turned out to be so, I understand."

It seems that Wu Chuan and the others really have any special skills that pose the most deadly threat to the blood race.

Perhaps Ace's purpose in attracting them was to kill people with the knife?

When Ning Huanxin came out of the shop, God didn't know when she turned gloomy.

Is it going to rain?

Feeling the coldness in the wind, Ning Huanxin couldn’t help speeding up. When the rain fell, the pedestrians in the street rushed to find a place to shelter from the rain. Ning Huanxin couldn’t use spells in the public, and she went along. Following the crowd, Ning Huan was stunned as soon as he entered a place to take shelter from the rain.

It turned out that she was following the crowd, but she didn't think she had come to the bookstore in the pedestrian street.

I still remember that the last time I came here by myself, I happened to meet Tang Jiyao.

Tang Jiyao.

Ning Huanxin frowned. Tang Jiyao said last time that he would worship himself as a teacher. As a result, a lot of things happened later, and Ning Huanxin forgot about it.

Thinking of this, Ning Huan subconsciously took out his mobile phone.

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