Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1301: 1301: Strange Bead (1)

Ning Huanxin found a small sofa for reading in the bookstore and slowly sat down, and then dialed Tang Jiyao's mobile phone number——


No one answered the call until it ended automatically.

Is he still in class?

studying? Or... the phone is not around, did you hear it?

Ning Huanxin called twice and no one answered the phone, so she gave up, put away the phone and looked down, Ning Huanxin saw that there was a book on the small table in front of her. It should be the reader who was sitting here before. Those who have read it may have forgotten to put this book back because of the rush.

Ning Huanxin subconsciously picked up the book and turned a few pages.

This is a story book, a little story book that is full of soul chicken soup.

Although Ning Huanxin doesn't need this kind of spiritual chicken soup, she sees more and more people hiding from the rain in the bookstore, and she can't get out for a while, so she might as well read the book intently and experience the world.

Time didn't think it had passed, Ning Huanxin quickly finished reading dozens of short stories, and when she raised her head again, there were not so many people in the bookstore.

The rain outside has also unknowingly reduced a lot.

Ning Huan took the book smoothly and walked to the cash register.

"Wrap this book for me, thank you."

Encountering a book accidentally, perhaps, is also a kind of fate.

Ning Huanxin finally went out with the book, because the book was wrapped in a bag and was not afraid of rain.

Ning Huanxin walked very quickly, and soon she reached the parking lot and sat back in the car. Ning Huanxin raised her hand and touched her hair soaked in rain.

She took out her phone again and sent a message to Jiang Lixing, telling him that she would drive to the old house in a while.

After that, Ning Huanxin sent another message to Xu Changan and Yang A Nuan, telling them the latest news they got today——

The blood clan who was with Zhou Han was called Ace, he was a Duke-level vampire, very dangerous and very cunning.

You must be extra careful. Once something happens or you find something unusual, remember not to act alone and contact everyone immediately!

After sending this message, Ning Huanxin really let go.


On Friday afternoon, perhaps because it was still raining, there were not many cars on the street, and the journey to the Jiang’s old house was smooth.

When Ning Huanxin arrived at the house, Jiang Lixing was standing in the courtyard of the old house with an umbrella.

The bright red umbrella looks particularly dazzling under the gloomy sky, just like Jiang Lixing. No matter when, standing in the crowd, he can be equally dazzling and dazzling.

"Why stand here?"

Ning Huanxin got out of the car and asked with a smile.

"Waiting for you."

Jiang Lixing raised the umbrella on top of Ning Huanxin's head. Seeing that her hair was still a bit damp, he couldn't help but raised his hand and stroked her long hair gently.

"Haixin, you..."

Halfway through Jiang Lixing's words, he suddenly stopped and frowned.

"What are you carrying?"

Although Ning Huanxin wrapped the bead with her spiritual power, Jiang Lixing still felt the weird breath the moment he approached her.


Ning Huan was taken aback, and immediately remembered. She handed the book she was holding to Jiang Lixing, then lowered her head and opened her purse, taking out the blood-red bead that Pesh had given herself.

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