Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1302: 1302: Strange Beads (2)

"Look, Pesh gave me this bead."

Ning Huanxin handed the blood-red bead to Jiang Lixing. Seeing the bead, Jiang Lixing frowned deeper, and his voice was very low: "Why would he give you this thing?"

"That's a long story. Do you remember the apartment I used to live in, the pedestrian street near the apartment..."

Ning Huanxin took his own things and went into the house with Jiang Lixing, and while walking, she said the things about Peishi and Jiang Xingyu.

"Pesh feels that Ace is prepared to reappear this time. He is afraid that he is in danger, so he asks me. If something happens to him, I hope I will help him look after Jiang Xingyu in the future. This bead is He paid me, but... Pesh didn't say what it was and how to use it."

Having said that, Ning Huanxin turned and looked at Jiang Lixing.

"Axing, you know everything, you must know what this thing is?"

Over the past thousands of years, Jiang has experienced the vicissitudes of life. He has not only seen generations of ghosts in the underworld, but also the decline of the cultivation world, the decline of ancient martial arts, the rise of an era, the changes of countless sects, everything. He has seen it in his eyes and experienced it personally.

Therefore, in the eyes of Ning Huan, Jiang Lixing has always been omnipotent.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's question, Jiang Lixing nodded, he did know the origin of this bead.

"This bead is the spirit orb of the blood race. The spirit bead will only recognize the lord once in a lifetime. Look at this blood red bead, do you know what it is? The red here represents... the blood of the blood race!"

The blood of a vampire?

Ning Huanxin blinked. She had only heard of vampires sucking human blood, and it was the first time she saw the blood of the so-called blood race.

"There is Pesh's blood in this spirit orb, and... the blood of another person should be Jiang Xingyu's, so although this spirit orb looks very powerful and powerful, only Jiang Xingyu can Use it, dominate it, its existence is only to protect Jiang Xingyu."

Jiang Xingyu is the master of this spiritual pearl.

"No wonder."

Ning Huanxin smiled faintly, and immediately understood the mystery: "Pesh deliberately didn't tell me what it was and how to use it. If something happened to him, he would definitely tell me that only Jiang Xingyu knew how to use this thing. , So I will take the things in front of Jiang Xingyu and return the things to their original owners."

The blood race is really cunning and unbelievable.

"Well, this spirit orb has a strong aura, and Pesh probably feels that it is not safe to put it on him, but it is best to leave it to you."

When Jiang Lixing talked about this, his face was a little gloomy.

What if Ning Huanxin met Ace?

Ace may be able to sense Pesh's essence and blood, so it is not good for Ning Huanxin!

This Pesh is really a good calculation, not only can protect his own things, but also cause trouble.

"Haixin, what are you going to do with this bead?"

Jiang Lixing asked Ning Huanxin.

Ning Huanxin put the beads back again, and whispered in a low voice: "I have taken them all. Next time I don’t know when I will see Pesh, just put it here first, and then give it to Jiang Xing. I'm done, this thing is useless to us anyway."

Since Pesh didn't have any sincerity, Ning Huanxin didn't feel that he needed to keep any promises.

But it is better to return this thing to them in the future.

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