Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1303: 1303: Getting along for a long time (1)

"I'll save it for you, and return it to you when I come back."

Jiang Lixing spoke again suddenly, this blood family spirit pearl on Ning Huanxin's body, there are hundreds of harms but no benefit.

Jiang Lixing would really feel relieved only if he held it by himself.

"Oh, that's fine."

Ning Huanxin didn't think too much, took out the beads again, and put them in Jiang Lixing's hands.

Only then did Jiang Lixing relax and put the beads away.

"Well, you see that you are also damp, and your hair is still dry. Go upstairs and take a shower and change your clothes before coming down."

At this time, Jiang Lixing directly pulled Ning Huanxin to the top of the stairs, and commanded with a nervous expression on his face.

"I know, I know."

Ning Huanxin turned around and walked upstairs briskly. At this time, Jiang Lixing returned to the sofa in the lobby and saw what Ning Huanxin had put on the coffee table when Ning Huanxin entered the door. Jiang Lixing was stunned.

Soul Chicken Soup 365?

There is a book among those things, which is chicken soup for the soul.

When did Ning Huanxin have this taste?

Would you like to cook some black chicken soup for her at night?


Jiang Lixing's old house has always been lived in by Jiang Lixing, so there is no smell of fireworks in the house, and there are very few trivial things in life. But last time Ning Huanxin stayed here for a few days, so there were still a few sets of Ning Huanxin's clothes in the closet.

After taking a shower, Ning Huanxin dried her hair, put on a set of house clothes and went downstairs.

When she got downstairs, she saw Jiang Lixing sitting on the sofa reading a book, and it was the chicken soup story book she bought in the bookstore.

"Axing, do you like this? I like to give it to you."

Miss Ning said that she was really generous.

Jiang Lixing:...

"Didn't you buy it?"

Jiang Lixing asked.

"Oh, I just saw it when I was sheltering from the rain in the bookstore, and then I bought it."

Ning Huanxin smiled: "This is my fate with a book, haha."

"Well, put it here and keep it safe."

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Lixing also smiled slightly. In this world, let alone people, it takes a lot of fate to meet each other.

Therefore, encounter is fate.

If you encounter it, you must cherish what you can cherish.


There are not many things in Jiang Lixing's house, but the ingredients in the kitchen are always available.

Ning Huanxin was busy in the kitchen with Jiang Lixing at night. Seeing the kitchen full of things, she couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "You said that if this is suddenly the end of the world and the zombies are rampant, have we made a fortune? Eat, hahaha."

Jiang Lixing:...

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Lixing looked at her helplessly: "If there is a doomsday, this is not enough, should I buy more and store it in the basement of the villa?"


Knowing that Jiang Lixing was teasing himself, Ning Huan's eyes flashed, but he nodded vigorously: "Okay, good idea, except for food, water, medical supplies, and gasoline. All of these have to be prepared. Have you seen it? Are the novels about doomsday rebirth? They are all written like this."

"So you still like to read online novels? Is there any good book recommendation?"

Jiang Lixing gave Ning Huanxin a deep look, then smiled and asked.

"This... was introduced to me by Pan Yingying, wait until I go back and ask her."

Ning Huanxin shrugged: "Let's cook first. I have been busy for a day today, I'm so hungry."

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