Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1311: 1311: Opposing Ability Group (2)

"Why did you arrest my friend? She is just an ordinary person, not a member of the Profound Clan."

Ning Huanxin took a few steps forward at this time, her voice indifferent, and her expression ugly staring at Lin Xuyang and Haixiu.

How do these people catch vampires? Even if they want to deal with Zhou Han, Ning Huanxin will not interfere.

But they implicated the innocent and captured Xie Yudie! It's really hateful!

"Where is Wu Chuan? Call him out and immediately let my friend go."

Ning Huan drank coldly.

In fact, she already felt that the shadow **** on the long table was definitely not Xie Yudie.

She is very clear about Xie Yudie's breath, she is indeed here, but she is hidden by Wu Chuan!

"The leader is not here, and we didn't catch your friend."

At this time, Haixiu spoke softly, and she walked slowly to the side of the long table and touched the figure **** there.

It turned out that it was just a dummy.

"We are on a mission, and you suddenly come in and interrupt it. It doesn't seem great, right? If I report this matter, no one can explain it."

Haixiu spoke lightly again, she looked much more mature and calm than Lin Xuyang.


Hearing Haixiu's words, Ning Huanxin suddenly sneered. She waved without hesitation, and a purple-red long sword suddenly appeared in Ning Huanxin's hands with a domineering breath!

Shocking sword!

As soon as this sword appeared, the aura in the entire church was changing, and all the surrounding auras were stirred by the horrifying sword.

What a powerful sword spirit!

Even Xu Changan couldn't help his eyes widening. Such a strong spirit sword, even Master Gu could not necessarily control it.

But Ning Huanxin can...

What has she experienced? How strong is she now?

"Wu Chuan, if you don't show up again, I will kill two of your subordinates, one for two, how come we made it!"

Before Ning Huanxin could say anything, she flashed her figure and rushed to the side of Haixiu and Lin Xuyang with the Jinghong Sword.

When the crisis came, Lin Xuyang and Haixiu were not idle either. The two thoughts, Lin Xuyang is a water system supernatural power, this church naturally reserves a lot of water, and there is a Crescent Lake near here, which can have a continuous source of water.

A water dragon suddenly appeared, surrounding the bodies of Lin Xuyang and Haixiu, and protecting them both.

The goodness is like water, soft to rigid.

Ning Huanxin cut off the water dragon with a single move, but after a while, the water dragon returned to normal again.

Water can't be cut off, the water will flow even more when the knife is cut off.

Ning Huan frowned. She didn't expect to kill them all at once, but wanted to test the strength of the other party.

Therefore, all she made were false moves, not killer moves!

It's hard to deal with water system supernatural players, but there are still many ways.


Haixiu has been hiding by Lin Xuyang's side, she hasn't done anything, so...

What kind of supernatural power is Haesu?

Why doesn't she make a move?

Ning Huanxin tried a few tricks again. Haixiu still hid behind Lin Xuyang, moving very quickly, but she was always calm, her mind and breath were stable.

She did not use her own abilities!

Could it be...

Should her power be reserved to deal with the blood at a critical moment?

While Ning Huanxin was thinking, suddenly a black shadow hit like the wind, and the black shadow flashed, splashing a bunch of blood, dyeing Ning Huanxin's vision!

"Lin Xuyang!"

Haixiu yelled suddenly and Lin Xuyang was injured!

The black shadow that appeared suddenly was extremely fast, and the move was very vicious!

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