Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1312: 1312: Ace appears

"Tsk, the smell of this blood is really average."

At this time, the figure finally stood slowly in front of the crowd. While whispering, he lifted his fingers and tasted the blood from his fingertips with his tongue.

"Finally, you have shown up!"

Seeing that figure, both Lin Xuyang and Haixiu immediately chilled their eyes and became vigilant.

This is a tall and slender figure. He has light brown hair, soft and slightly curled.

The man has handsome features and a pair of blue eyes, dazzling like the sky.

This should be a pair of extremely clear eyes, but at this moment, these azure blue eyes are filled with cold murderous intent and endless darkness.

"Zhou Han, come out too, and say hello to your friends!"

At this moment, the man suddenly whispered and turned to look at Ning Huanxin who was aside.

"This is Miss Ning, beautiful young lady. It's an honor to meet you. I like watching your TV series very much. I am Ace!"

Ace was very gentleman with one hand behind him, and one hand in front of him, making a noble ceremonial posture.


Ning Huan narrowed his eyes and looked at him alertly.

"Beautiful lady, I think you are hostile to me, but...I like you very much, and I am kind to you. Zhou Han can testify to this. We are all friends."

Ace felt the coldness on Ning Huanxin's body and couldn't help but speak again.

At this time, another black shadow flashed by, and Zhou Han's figure appeared beside Ace.

After not seeing him for a while, Zhou Han became very thin and his breath was also very chaotic. The strangest thing was that his eyes had also turned blue, but it was very pale.


At this time, Yang A Nuan suddenly called Zhou Han out loud.

Hearing Yang A Nuan's voice, Zhou Han was startled, and slowly turned around and glanced at her.


Yang A Nuan ran forward a few steps, trying to get close to Zhou Han, but Zhou Han subconsciously stepped back.

"A Nuan, don't come over, don't come near me."

He is no longer the original him.


Yang A Nuan was startled. She could see the soul with those eyes, whether it was alive or dead. Now, she clearly saw Zhou Han's soul, his soul was already withering.

Withered slowly.

"Brother, what happened to you? What happened to your soul..."

"You said, leave me alone! And you!"

Zhou Han suddenly looked at Ning Huanxin and Xu Changan coldly.

"We are no longer in the same way. You will take Xiaodie and leave for a while, leave me alone!"

Zhou Han's tone was decisive, he knew that he would not live long.

While talking, Zhou Han turned to look at Lin Xuyang and Haixiu.

"We have come, your goal has been achieved, let Xiaodie go!"

Hearing Zhou Han's words, Lin Xuyang and Haixiu stepped back subconsciously. The two stood up. At this moment, two figures suddenly walked out of the side door of the church.

"Zhou Han! Happy!"

It's Xie Yudie's voice!

Xie Yudie walked out with Wu Chuan, at this time she was controlled by Wu Chuan!


Ning Huan called out anxiously. Fortunately, Xiaodie didn't have any damage. It seemed that the ability group didn't do anything to her.

"I didn't expect it to be so lively."

Wu Chuan walked over slowly with Xie Yudie. Seeing so many people in the church, Wu Chuan still had a calm expression.

"Let her go!"

Ning Huanxin and Zhou Han spoke in unison.

Hearing what they said, Wu Chuan just raised his eyes lightly, and then suddenly looked at Ace with a cold smile.

"I didn't expect you to really show up."

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