Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1328: 1328: Suspicious Zhou Han (1)

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Wu Chuan's expression became very solemn.

In fact, he has always felt uncomfortable.

I always felt that Ace's death was too simple, this point, he and Ning Huanxin thought of it together.

At this moment, Wu Chuan felt for the first time that the little girl in front of him looked pleasing to the eye.

"Miss Ning, did the photo of the victim you just saw remind you of something?"

Wu Chuan suddenly asked Ning Huanxin again, his expression was much gentler than at the beginning.


Ning Huanxin nodded.

Since she came to Wu Chuan and the others, she naturally hoped to cooperate with them once, and she also needed their help.

"Actually... Fluttershy was near the scene of the crime on the night of this case."

Ning Huan said softly.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Wu Chuan nodded.

"You are talking about Miss Xie? I have watched the video of the day. The dead and the murderer have always been in the blind spot of the video, but Miss Xie did appear there, and she appeared before the dead, the time before the dead. very close."

Wu Chuan had watched that video many times and was deeply impressed by Xie Yudie.

"Actually, I also talked with Miss Xie. I saw that she seemed to be chasing someone in the video. Miss Xie told me that she met her ex-boyfriend, who is the disciple of Bai Yunguan, right?"

Wu Chuan didn't think about anything at the time. Since Zhou Han was with Ace, it was reasonable for him to appear at the scene of the crime.

Hearing Wu Chuan's words, Ning Huanxin nodded.

"Xiaodie also told me that at the time she saw Zhou Han making out with a woman in the alley. After Zhou Han saw her and ran away, Xiaodie didn't catch him. I guess... the one Xiaodie saw Woman, is this the victim?"

Ning Huanxin shook her cell phone. There was still a picture of the **** it.


Wu Chuan nodded: "I feel the same way. The victim died shortly after they left. I guess Ace should be nearby at the time. After they left, Ace started to do it."

Ning Huan frowned when she heard Wu Chuan's words.

"Actually... has Leader Wu ever thought that vampires are usually accustomed to walking alone and doing it by themselves, so why did Ace ask Zhou Han to help him lock the prey? Is there a possibility... that day? If Fluttershy does not show up..."

Ning Huanxin's guess was bold. Hearing what she said, Wu Chuan stood up suddenly.

"You mean... Zhou Han is also a blood clan now?"

Wu Chuan's voice was particularly excited.

But Ning Huanxin was still very calm and indifferent.

Before coming here, she had already thought a lot.

Especially... Zhou Han's eyes.

That night, Ning Huanxin saw Zhou Han's eyes turned blue, light blue, very similar to Peish's eyes.

Pesh and Ace have blue pupils.

That may be the characteristic of their family, the whole family may be blue pupils.

So, Zhou Han is a human being. Why, his eyes also turned blue?

And what exactly is the curse that Pesh said to him?

"Where is Zhou Han now? Can you confirm his identity?"

Wu Chuan's face became more serious. If Zhou Han was really a blood clan, things would be even more troublesome.

"Zhou Han is at my house."

Ning Huanxin said indifferently, "Although I doubt him very much, we can't get rid of it, and...I want to ensure the safety of my friends first."

At this time, Ning Huanxin finally looked at Wu Chuan with a serious face.

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