Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1329: 1329: Suspicious Zhou Han (2)

"Team leader Wu, maybe ours can really work together once. I was too far away last night and I can’t hear what Ace and Zhou Han said. Can Leader Wu tell everything about Ace’s death? I?"

Ning Huanxin needed more clues to further piece together what he really wanted.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Wu Chuan nodded.

"Well, last night, Ace said to Zhou Han..."

Wu Chuan repeated Ace's words and told Ning Huanxin almost verbatim.

At this time, Wu Chuan had put down all guards on Ning Huanxin and sincerely planned to cooperate with her.


Ning Huanxin couldn't help but smile when Ace mentioned Pesh.

"Sure enough, Ace still remembers Pesh."

Without defeating Pesh, how could he die willingly? How could he let himself die?

and so……

Ace must be alive in a certain state now, for example...

Live in Zhou Han's body!

Ning Huanxin remembered that Yang A'nuan had said that Zhou Han's soul was eroded, and his lamp had been exhausted, but in the end he was "revived" by Ace, but changed his mind--

Could it be that Ace is not saving Zhou Han, but saving himself?

"I think, I probably have an idea. I want to lead Ace and know everything. I only need to find Pesh, and everything will come to light!"

"Find Pesh?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Wu Chuan's gaze changed, his expression a bit solemn and helpless.

"We have been unable to capture Pesh’s breath. He is particularly good at hiding it, and... he is different from Ace. Ace appeared on purpose this time so we can know his whereabouts. Pesh has been hiding for many years. It's hard to find him in the dark."

Wu Chuan also wanted to find Pesh, but this was too difficult.

And Pesh's cultivation base is very high. With the combination of the three of them, it is also very difficult to deal with a veteran vampire prince with rich combat experience.

Ning Huanxin nodded when she heard Wu Chuan's words, which she also understood very well.

"Pesh's whereabouts are indeed erratic. I am afraid it will be difficult to find him again, but... maybe Zhou Han can?"

Speaking of this, Ning Huanxin looked at Wu Chuan: "No matter what the relationship between Zhou Han and Ace is, let's not start the snake. I guess he will find Pesh by some means."

Ace and Pesh are brothers. If Ace is dead, what will happen to Pesh?

Ning Huanxin felt that Ace's move must be meaningful.


"I understand what Miss Ning meant, then we...let's leave Yanjing."

Wu Chuan whispered.

"If we don't leave, I'm afraid he won't take the next step."

"Alright. We can keep in touch at any time."

Ning Huanxin stood up while talking.

"Actually, I hope my own guess is wrong."

Ning Huanxin sighed. If his guess is true, then...

Maybe the current Zhou Han is no longer Zhou Han, the real Zhou Han is dead.

"Can keep in touch."

Wu Chuan whispered lightly, and personally sent Ning Huanxin out the door.

After Ning Huanxin left, Wu Chuan turned and looked at Haixiu and Lin Xuyang: "Let's go, pack up and leave Yanjing."

"Then... shall we go back to headquarters?"

Lin Xuyang suddenly asked.

He had heard Wu Chuan and Ning Huanxin's words just now. Originally, they had completed the task and had to go back to the headquarters to report, but now... it is unknown whether the task is completed.

This is very embarrassing.

[I didn't sleep all night last night, and my condition is a bit poor. I have some problems at home these days. I hope it can be resolved as soon as possible. I just want to make a good code word. 】

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