Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1341: 1341: Night Detective

"Sister Huanxin!"

Seeing Ning Huanxin's figure, Yang A Nuan immediately raised her hand, desperately waving with Ning Huanxin.

"Sister Huanxin, you are back!"


Ning Huanxin smiled at Yang A Nuan and nodded, then set his gaze on Zhou Han.

"Miss Ning."

Zhou Han was very gentle and elegant when facing Ning Huanxin.

"Ms. Zhou, how is your health?"

Ning Huanxin smiled and asked, she is now a student of Yanbei University, and the call from Teacher Zhou was quite smooth.

"There is nothing wrong with my body. A Nuan and I have already studied it. It is not convenient for us to bother for too long. I and A Nuan will go back tomorrow."

Zhou Han's voice was very calm. Hearing what he said, Ning Huanxin was slightly stunned: "I'm going back so soon, then... have you talked to Xiaodie?"

"Uh, I haven't had time to talk to Xiaodie, I haven't seen her all afternoon."

Speaking of Xie Yudie, there is nothing special about Zhou Han's appearance.


Is he leaving now?

Ning Huanxin lowered her eyes for a moment of contemplation, and when she raised her eyes again, she was still full of smiles: "Since you have decided, I won't keep you anymore. I will have class tomorrow. Let Brother Xu send you back to the city. Tomorrow I will take Xiaodie back to school together."

"Well, this is also good."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Han nodded immediately, without the slightest objection.

For his lover, Zhou Han really doesn't care too much!


Both of them said nothing, and the atmosphere fell silent for a moment.

Yang A Nuan on the side didn't seem to feel anything strange. She was still sitting under a peach blossom tree enthusiastically and took out her phone to take a selfie.

"This angle is good, brother, do you want to take a picture?"

When Yang A Nuan finished the filming, he raised his head and called Zhou Han.


Zhou Han quickly walked over.

"Brother, you stand here, yes yes yes, right here! Stand now! Smile, take out the scissors!"

Yang A Nuan was directing Zhou Han while fiddling with her mobile phone, and asked him to make a very silly action. Zhou Han didn't say anything, but looked very interested.

Ning Huanxin stood aside and watched for a long time, and finally left silently.

After Ning Huanxin left, Zhou Han glanced at her back, and a blue light flashed across his eyes.


Suddenly feeling that moment of coldness, Yang A Nuan immediately called Zhou Han.

"what happened?"

Zhou Han lowered his eyes and looked at Yang A Nuan tenderly.

"Brother, do you feel a strange aura? Just now, that aura seems to be..."


Zhou Han interrupted Yang A'nuan with a serious expression. He couldn't help but raised his hand and touched her forehead: "Did you not rest well and have hallucinations?"


Yang A Nuan tilted his head: "Is it really that I feel wrong? Forget it, don't care! This photo is really good, I want to send it to the senior brothers and they will be jealous!"

Having said that, Yang A Nuan opened the mobile phone WeChat and sent the photo of herself and Zhou Han to their private group.

The group suddenly became lively...

It's night, Gu's backyard.

After Ning Huanxin confirmed that Xie Yudie was asleep, she quietly got up and left the bedroom.

The spiritual energy in Gu's Manor is the strongest in the entire Yuhai Mountain. Ning Huanxin walked around the manor, feeling the changes in spiritual power, and unconsciously walked to Zhou Han's resting place.

Where Zhou Han rested, the surrounding aura remained unchanged.

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