Ning Huanxin glanced at Zhou Han's residence from a distance, and then quietly moved closer.

When a normal monk has physical damage, or with such a strong spiritual energy, he will definitely take advantage of the strongest spiritual energy at night to cultivate and repair, but Zhou Han did not.

The reason why he didn't do it was probably because he didn't dare.

Perhaps the spell he cultivates is very special, and once he cultivates it will cause a lot of commotion, or perhaps he does not need spiritual energy at all, and he can recover his body. There are other ways, such as... blood sucking!

Zhou Han, Ace.

Ace, Zhou Han.

Although Ning Huanxin was only skeptical, her eyes became firmer by bit.

If you want to deal with Zhou Han, now is the best opportunity. In Gu's family, he can't escape!

Ning Huanxin held her breath and walked a few steps forward, but suddenly, she stopped again.

I just suspect that the current "Zhou Han" is not the real Zhou Han. Although there is no evidence, Ning Huanxin believes that the real Zhou Han is dead, and now this one is a fake from Ace.


Ning Huanxin thought of Peash’s words, Espen was good at disguising, and now his soul is probably in Zhou Han’s body, he has all Zhou Han’s memories, and can imitate all Zhou Han’s habits, even his breath. Even Yang A'nuan's eyes couldn't see through him. If Ning Huanxin couldn't produce strong evidence and rushed to Zhou Han, then Bai Yunguan and Gu's family would definitely have an enmity.

more importantly……

Ning Huanxin suddenly thought of Jiang Lixing's words--

If you act rashly, it will disrupt the secrets.

If you kill Zhou Han by yourself, there are indeed countless future consequences.

And what will be the fate of Xiaodie? I am afraid it is still a mystery.


In the end, Ning Huanxin sighed. Now Zhou Han hasn't done anything yet, and he hasn't leaked his feet.


In the room, Zhou Han was awake, he was lying on the bed at this moment with his eyes open.

In those clear eyes, the blue light flickered and the eyes were sharp.

He felt Ning Huanxin's breath.

For a moment, he really thought he was exposed, but Ning Huanxin just paused outside the courtyard for a while and left.

Is he too suspicious?

Zhou Han got up slowly, and felt again that Ning Huanxin had really left, and she went to other places in the manor.

Could it be...

Is this the way she practices? Absorb Reiki everywhere in the middle of the night?

Zhou Han sensed Ning Huanxin's breath again, until he couldn't sense it at all, then he completely relieved his mind, sat up slowly, and subconsciously touched the position of his heart with his hand.

His heart beats very slowly because his body lacks energy.

very hungry!

Zhou Han's eyes were getting bluer and blue. At this time, he seemed to be very attracted. He left his room a little uncontrollably and went to the small room next door.

This is where Yang A Nuan rests.

At this time, the little girl was sleeping Zhengxiang.

Zhou Han unconsciously sat on the side of Yang A'nuan's bed, slowly leaning down, and the thin and handsome face gently approached Yang A'nuan's.

This breath, this smell.

It's really sweet.


Yang A Nuan on the bed felt that someone was by her side, but because of the familiar breath, she did not reject it. She just raised her hand indiscriminately and grabbed it, just touching Zhou Han's face.

His face, extremely cold, touched, as if he could reach the bottom of his heart through his hands.

This coldness invades the bone marrow.

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