Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1343: 1343: Ace's Deception (1)

The sudden coldness made Yang A Nuan wake up instantly.

She opened her eyes abruptly, and at this moment she met a pair of blue eyes.

this is……

Yang A Nuan hadn't reacted yet, a kiss that was colder than Han Bing had suddenly landed on her lips.


Yang A Nuan was shocked and pushed away the people on him, then looked at Zhou Han with a panic on his face.


Yang A Nuan blinked, strange, brother's eyes...

Ok? Why did it change back again?

"A Nuan."

At this time, Zhou Han looked at Yang A Nuan calmly, his eyes had returned to black, his eyes soft as water.

"A Nuan, I like you."

"What, what?"

Yang A Nuan rubbed his eyes, then took out his ears, and then quickly lay back on the bed.

"I must be dreaming."

She pulled on the quilt and covered her head in the quilt.

"A Nuan."

At this time, Zhou Han by the bed suddenly raised his hand, pulled down the quilt on Yang A Nuan's head, and looked at her with a smile.

"Don't you like brother?"


Like is like, but not the kind of like, okay?

Yang A Nuan stared at Zhou Han at this time: "Brother, is there any discomfort in your body? I think you are a bit strange, your eyes..."

"What's wrong with my eyes?"

Zhou Han looked at Yang A Nuan, and suddenly, his eyes were covered with blue again.

Yang A Nuan was stunned, watching Zhou Han's eyes keep changing color. How could this color resemble the color of that blood race's pupils?

Blue, like the color of the sky.

"Brother, don't you..."

Yang A Nuan suddenly thought of a possibility, and the little girl's expression immediately changed.


Zhou Han looked at Yang A Nuan and nodded slightly.

He leaned forward again, raised his hands and pulled Yang A Nuan into his arms, then hugged him tightly.

"A Nuan, listen to me."

Zhou Han's voice was very low.

Yang A Nuan leaned in his arms and dared not move, so she had to wait carefully for Zhou Han's explanation.

"I got the secret book, but when I was practicing, I was attacked by Ace. Not only was I cursed, I was bitten by Ace!"

Bitten by a vampire, then...

"Brother, you..."

Yang A Nuan wanted to struggle, Zhou Han hugged her again, whispering softly in her ear.

"So, I am no longer a human being, are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid."

Yang A Nuan was not afraid, but worried about Zhou Han.

"Brother, or let us tell Huanxin and ask her to find a way with Old Man Gu, or we will return to Baiyun Temple, Master will definitely save you."

Just got bitten, there must be a way!

"It's useless."

Zhou Han shook his head.

"If you are not my race, their hearts will be different. If others know that I have been assimilated by the blood race, they will definitely try their best to kill me, and I can't live long in my current state, unless..."

Zhou Han stopped here suddenly.

"Brother, is there any other way?"

Yang A Nuan asked nervously.

"Unless someone with a special bloodline is willing to sacrifice his life to me, I can use that energy to suppress the two breaths in my body, and slowly use the magic of the secret book to eliminate the power and breath of the blood."

When Zhou Han said this, his tone was already low and inaudible: "But this is impossible. In such a short period of time, I can't find such a person. Even if I find it, that person is impossible..."

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