Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1344: 1344: Ace's Deception (2)

"Brother, I am willing."

Yang A Nuan suddenly broke away from Zhou Han's arms and looked at him with shining eyes: "Did you forget, brother, I was born with a talent for blood, I am a person with a special blood."

"A Nuan?"

When Zhou Han heard Yang A'nuan's words, he looked at her solemnly: "This can't work, how can I sacrifice you in exchange for the chance to live?"

"Brother, I am willing."

Yang A'nuan smiled with clear eyes: "Since I was young, if there were no masters and few brothers, I would have died long ago. It was the master who saved me and adopted me, and the brothers took care of me and protected me. My eyes Since I was a child, I can see a lot of terrible things and provoke a lot of horrible existences. If it weren’t for the brothers who have been protecting me, I wouldn’t be who I am today, and... Although I want to be the first female Taoist priest , But I know that although my bloodline is special, I don’t have any talent in practice, and my understanding is also poor. I can’t become an excellent monk of the profound monk, but you are different, brother, you are the best talent in the school. Yes, if you hadn't been studying feng shui meditationally these years, I am afraid that your cultivation level would have surpassed that of your senior brother. Therefore, it is definitely a very cost-effective business to exchange my life for your senior brother!"

Yang A Nuan was not scared at all. At this time, her face and eyes were filled with indifferent expressions.

Seeing her expression, Zhou Han couldn't help but raised his hand and gently helped Yang A Nuan tidy up her messy hair.

"A Nuan, do you think it is worth losing your life for irrelevant people?"

"How can you be an irrelevant person? You are my brother! Just like a brother, the brother will protect the sister, and always protect the sister. Then, when the sister grows up, he will definitely rush to protect him when he sees the brother is in danger. Him!"

"Knowing that you will lose everything, do you want to protect it?"

Zhou Han looked at Yang A Nuan and asked, not knowing why, his voice was a little hoarse.

"The most important person in my life, even if I desperately... I must protect it!"

At this moment, Yang A Nuan's expression was never before.

Yang A'nuan still remembers how Zhou Han and the others protected herself back then, so... she was not afraid of death, but hoped that she could die worthwhile.


Zhou Han sighed and suddenly patted Yang A'nuan on the back of the head. Yang A'nuan rolled his eyes and slowly fell into Zhou Han's arms.

"Stupid humans."

Zhou Han whispered suddenly, but the curvature of the corners of his lips was extremely complicated.

in case……

This is the human emotion, he really hopes that he can become a human being.

Rather than a cold-blooded blood clan, a blood clan betrayed and abandoned by everyone.

Five hundred years of darkness, five hundred years of suffering, who can understand?

Zhou Han slowly closed his eyes, raised his hand gently, and patted Yang A Nuan in his arms.

He hummed a low, unintelligible ballad in his mouth.

If Pesh was here, he would definitely understand it, because this ballad is a lullaby for the blood race, and it is the ballad that Ace liked to sing when he was a child...

Zhou Han is Ace.

To be more precise, the real Zhou Han had long since disappeared. At this time, it was Ace, whose soul was immortal, who was dominating his body.

Five hundred years ago, Qianyun Mountain was a cave house of the Patriarch Baiyunguan.

Ace was calculated to fall into the cave, and was captured by the master of the cave at the time and locked in his own cave.

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