Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1351: 1351: Variations (5)

"This scandal, do you want to clarify something? I didn't find Cui Can, so I can only come to you."

Han Zishang's tone was calm.

Cui Can rarely fails to get in touch, and Jiang Lixing is now obsessed with his whereabouts.

Han Zishang always feels that this incident is definitely not as simple as a scandal hype!

He looked at his watch: "You have more classes at one o'clock in the afternoon, right? There is still time. Why don't we find a quiet place to sit for a while."


Hearing Han Zishang's words, Ning Huanxin nodded.

"I will take you to a place."

Ning Huanxin kept lowering her head and walking forward because she had given Pan Yingying her sunglasses.

"this is for you."

At this time, Han Zishang handed Ning Huanxin a cap.


Ning Huanxin put on his hat and continued to walk forward quickly, finally walking to a very remote cafe near the school.

It is very quiet here, and it is a good place for schoolmasters to read quietly.

Two people sat in the innermost position and ordered two cups of coffee.

Ning Huanxin never took off her hat.

As soon as Han Zishang sat down, he took out his mobile phone, opened a page, and handed it to Ning Huanxin.

"This picture is very troublesome, and it is said that there is a sequel."

Han Zishang said, leaning his body slightly.

"This photo is not a composite. Our editorial department has already asked someone to confirm it. So... can you tell me the actual situation? Don't worry, I am only concerned as a friend. There is absolutely no other meaning."

"I'm pretty relieved for you."

Ning Huanxin smiled lightly.

"It's just... If I tell you that the man in the photo is not Jiang Lixing at all, do you believe it?"


Han Zishang was stunned when he heard Ning Huanxin's words.

Before coming, he thought of many possibilities. The most likely one was that the mysterious woman was a relative or friend of Ning Huanxin or Jiang Lixing, so she seemed very close.

He never thought of a possibility that the man in the photo was not Jiang Lixing at all!

Jiang Lixing is the national male god, national movie emperor, and the entire country, even people who do not chase stars, probably know his name and the way he knows him.

Although there are some crazy fans who want to have plastic surgery to look like Jiang Lixing, or to imitate him, but for many years, people who can have plastic surgery to be similar to Jiang Lixing are already very powerful and handsome.

after all……

Jiang Lixing's looks are too prominent, and the look in Jiang Lixing's eyes, his superb aura, can't be imitated by anyone.

And the man in the photo...

No matter from which point of view, from the appearance, figure, or even expression, it is undoubtedly Jiang Lixing himself!

"Miss Ning, is this a joke?"

The smile on Han Zishang's face was a bit embarrassing and complicated.

"I told the truth, but if you don't believe it, I can't help it."

Ning Huanxin raised her eyebrows, her tone of voice was not unusual.

"Actually, I'm really curious about what kind of photos there will be next. Maybe this counterfeit will suddenly come out and make a sound."

Ning Huanxin said, taking a sip of coffee slowly.

"This... if it's really a fake, it's really too alike, even more like twins, and... how dare he show up? Isn't it afraid that Jiang Lixing will expose him? Besides... Jiang's family is not easy to bully. of."

This line of thinking seems a bit unreasonable, after all, counterfeit goods are too easy to be exposed.

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