Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1352: 1352: Variations (6)

"Not always."

Hearing what Han Zishang said, Ning Huanxin shook his head.

Others don't know, but Ning Huanxin knows very well that the current deity of Jiang Lixing is not here at all, and will not appear in a short time.


Even the Jiang family did not know the true identity of the current Jiang Lixing.

Since knowing that Jiang Lixing is the King of Qin Guang, Ning Huanxin has also asked Jiang Lixing's identity in this life.

Jiang Lixing naturally told Ning Huanxin everything about him without hesitation.

The real Young Master Jiang had been conspired to die many years ago, and now Jiang Lixing has been using the identity of Young Master Jiang to help him fulfill his wish during his lifetime and become the national actor!


Since Jiang Lixing can use the identity of Young Master Jiang, others can use it too!


Who is that person?

Why did you use Jiang Lixing's identity and become like him?


"what is the problem?"

Han Zishang became even more curious when seeing Ning Huan's unclear expression in his heart.

"This matter is complicated. Reporter Han, don't worry about it. In short, if you believe me, don't get involved in this matter, or else... our family will lose temper after coming back. I will help you intercede!"

Ning Huanxin glanced at Han Zishang and whispered lightly.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Han Zi couldn't help thinking.

After a while, he smiled faintly: "Well, I listen to you. I will not follow up on this scandal. I will also persuade my boss not to send anyone to follow up on this matter. I'm leaving, coffee, please."

Having said that, Han Zishang got up and left, before leaving, he went to pay the bill.

Ning Huanxin was still sitting in her original position. She gently held the coffee cup with a solemn expression on her face.

Before Jiang Lixing left, he did not forget to ask Ning Huanxin to be careful. In fact, at that time, he was afraid that someone would take the opportunity to make small moves after he left.

Unexpectedly, those people would move so fast.

"Just... who is it?"

Ning Huan stroked the cup in his hand, muttering to himself in a low voice.

She felt that something very important would happen.


Ning Huan was full of thoughts, and when she came out of the coffee shop, the phone rang again.

"Haixin, are you okay?"

Shen Han's caring voice came over the phone.

Shen Han also saw the scandal report about Jiang Lixing.

"I'm fine."

Ning Huanxin replied, suddenly her expression changed: "Shen Han, where is Xiaodie?"

After such a big news, gossip Xie Yudie must have known it, even Shen Han knew to call Ning Huanxin to ask, Xie Yudie could not be unresponsive!

"Xiaodie? I answered the phone at noon and went out. She seems to be looking for Teacher Zhou!"


Hearing what Shen Han said, Ning Huanxin's expression immediately changed.

"I have something else, I'll hang up first!"

Ning Huanxin hung up and started calling Xie Yudie. But Xie Yudie's phone call has been unable to get through!


Why did Zhou Han call Xiaodie away?

He clearly told Xiaodie not to meet him alone!

Ning Huan was anxious, and she immediately called Xu Changan again.

"Big Brother Xu, where are you?"

"Huaxin? I'm still in Yuhaishan! Master asked me for something today, we..."

"Xiaodie may have something wrong!"

Ning Huanxin whispered and interrupted Xu Changan.

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