Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1353: 1353: Variations (7)


On the other end of the phone, Xu Changan's tone immediately rose!

How can it be so fast!

Xu Changan just sent Zhou Han and Yang A'nuan down the mountain today. He thought that Xie Yudie and Ning Huanxin would be safe at school, so he stayed in Yuhai Mountain for a while, just in time for the father to talk to him about something. Unexpectedly, it was just this long time that something happened!

"Huanxin, don't worry, I have a breath tracer. I will trace Xiaodie's current location."

Ever since Ning Huanxin secretly told Xu Changan and asked him to look at Xie Yudie, Xu Changan quietly recorded Xie Yudie's breath, just for fear of accidents.

"it is good."

At this time, Ning Huanxin had already returned to the gate of the school. The entire school gate was full of people, and the reporters were all around the gate of the school waiting to contain Ning Huanxin.

Because Ning Huanxin only wore a peaked cap, she was immediately spotted by the sharp-eyed entertainment notes as soon as she appeared. A large group of people gathered around with a scream—

"Ning Huanxin..."

As soon as the babbled entertainers spoke, before they even waited for them to ask questions, Ning Huanxin suddenly raised her eyes with the phone. Those eyes were as cold as ice and had an amazing aura.

"Step aside!"

Ning Huan said coldly, the voice was not very loud, but it was enough for everyone to hear clearly.

At this moment, there seemed to be a kind of magic in her voice, which made the entertainment journalists on the side retreat subconsciously to both sides.

Ning Huanxin ran in quickly, and it didn't take long before she drove out of the school gate in her car.

Until the car had disappeared from everyone’s sight, everyone reacted to it——

Who can tell them that what happened just now?

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, all faceted.

At this time, Ning Huanxin was already wearing a Bluetooth headset, talking with Xu Changan while driving.

At this time, Xu Changan had found the location of Xie Yudie, which was the abandoned church by the outskirts of Crescent Lake!

There is Pesh's lair!

Zhou Han, no, he should be called Ace!

Why did Ace invite Xie Yudie there?

Ning Huanxin's heart was extremely flustered.

Fluttershy, Fluttershy, don't do anything!


On the outskirts of Yanjing, in the church courtyard.

"Zhou Han, why did you call me here?"

Xie Yudie stood in front of the familiar church, looking at the man in front of him with puzzlement.

Of course she is no stranger here. She was arrested by someone from the ability team. No, in the words of the leader of Wu, "Please".

They really didn't treat Xie Yudie to anything at the time, but the method of inviting people was really flattering!

"Xiaodie, what do you think of the environment here?"

When Ace heard Xie Yudie's words, he just smiled softly and asked Xie Yudie. As he said, Ace raised his hand and waved.

Under the church courtyard, there was a row of black plants. At the moment Ace waved past, Xie Yudie couldn't help but her eyes widened. She saw those black plants, and they actually recovered greenery and even grew rapidly. It's just...

Those green plants looked weird, with a particularly chilly atmosphere.

"Fluttershy, do you know these plants?"

Ace took a step forward, took Xie Yudie's hand, and walked in front of the plants.

"do not know."

Xie Yudie shook her head. She doesn't grow flowers either. Not to mention this plant. There are many kinds of flowers in the flower shop. She can't even name it!

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