Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1412: 1412: Mix into the village (1)

"Sister, did you say I was right?"

Er Bao still looked reluctant, and asked Ning Huanxin.


Ning Huanxin just laughed, raised his hand, and touched the tops of the two children's heads.

"You ran out of the village early in the morning. Are you waiting for me?"


Dabao nodded seriously, "Sister, you smell good, we like it."

"Yes, it smells really good."

Er Bao also nodded vigorously.

The smell of yourself?

Ning Huan was startled, not knowing what they meant. Because Ning Huanxin couldn't smell any special smell on her body!

She also doesn't like to use perfume.

"You come out to find me, do your parents know?"

At this time, Ning Huanxin asked again.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Dabao and Erbao shook their heads in unison.

"My parents don't know, their adults are very busy all day, no one to play with us, no other children in the village, we are so bored!"

Dabao looks more mature and knows more.

Hearing Dabao's words, Ning Huanxin knelt down and looked at them: "There are no other children in your village? Are there none at all?"

This... seems a little strange!

"No, only us."

Dabao answered very firmly.

Perhaps this is what makes them curious about outsiders.

"Unfortunately, I can't get into the village."

Ning Huanxin sighed, "Is there anything fun in your village? Can you tell me something?"

In fact, Ning Huanxin plans to get into the village today to check it out, but the villagers' rejection of outsiders is fierce. She can't just go in, but she can use the magic spell of the mysterious door, unconsciously. Sneak in.

But before going in, Ning Huanxin still hoped to find out more about the village from the mouth of the two children.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's question, Dabao hesitated.

When Da Bao hesitated, Er Bao looked innocent and said: "There is nothing fun in the village. Mom eats wild vegetables for us every day. It's awful. The other uncles and uncles in the village are so fierce every day. , I actually don’t like them at all."

"Second treasure! Don't talk nonsense."

Dabao interrupted Erbao.

Er Bao immediately looked at Ning Huanxin pitifully.

"Dabao, don't scare your brother, he didn't mean nonsense."

Ning Huanxin whispered, and Er Bao on the side immediately blinked at Ning Huanxin quietly.

Da Bao said nothing, but he turned around and pulled Er Bao's hand: "Let's go, let's go back. If our mother finds out that we sneaked out to find sister, we will be scolded!"


Er Bao's face was reluctant, and he kept looking at Ning Huanxin's face.

"Sister, you quickly become like us, and you can be with us forever!"

With that said, Er Bao has been taken away by Da Bao.

Is it the same as them?

Today, Ning Huanxin once again seriously sensed the auras on Dabao and Erbao. The auras on their bodies were nothing special. However, the two of them seemed to have a light aura on their bodies today, and the auras of those auras were a bit like their own for the past two days. The wild vegetables that I eat every day in Xiao Damei’s shop.

Is it because the wild vegetables in the Misty Valley contain more aura, so people in this village eat it every day, and over time, the same aura is stored in the body?

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