Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1413: 1413: Mixed into the village (2)

The mountain road after the heavy rain is very difficult to walk. Fortunately, Ning Huan's body and mind are as light as a swallow.

Ning Huanxin went around in the valley again, and picked some wild wild vegetables in his hand. Then he took it in his hand and studied it. This wild wild vegetables has a special shape and is easy to recognize.

Ning Huanxin took a closer look. She found that although the spiritual power contained in this special wild vegetable was sufficient, after being picked, its spiritual power was passing by quickly.

No wonder Sister Xiao said that this kind of dish must be picked off and started to fry immediately, otherwise it will become unpalatable.

It turns out that the aura in this wild vegetable will really fade away quickly.

This is really a strange phenomenon, at least Ning Huanxin has encountered this kind of thing for the first time.

Sensing that the wild vegetables in his hand had no aura, Ning Huanxin carefully took off a leaf and tasted it in his mouth. The taste was very bitter, just like ordinary wild grass.

Ning Huan groaned, putting the wild vegetables she had picked in her backpack, and then she found a few charms in her space purse, among them the invisibility charm of Xuanmen.

Using this spell, you can hide yourself for an hour!

Ning Huanxin once observed that the village in the valley is not very big, and one hour is enough to walk around the village by himself!

Although Ning Huanxin can break into the village by directly using violence, he does so for the fear of getting rid of the grass. After all, Ning Huanxin does not know what is in the village. Moreover, the villagers would definitely not cooperate with her.

On the contrary, it is safer and more effective to sneak in to check the situation.

With the invisibility talisman in hand, Ning Huanxin sneaked to the vicinity of the village. In the morning, the village was busy. Although they couldn’t understand what they were up to, Ning Huanxin didn’t go any further, she quietly Hiding under an old tree, planning to wait until noon, when most people are resting or going home to eat, using spells to sneak into the village.


Time passed by, and the waiting always seemed very long.

Just when Ning Huanxin was waiting to fall asleep, she saw the people at the entrance of the village slowly disappear, and Ning Huanxin glanced at her watch subconsciously.

11:30 noon!

It seems that the rules of work and rest in this village are quite strict!

Seeing that those people had dispersed, Ning Huanxin immediately used the invisibility talisman, and then she swaggered into the village.

Of course, at this time, the village entrance is empty.

After Ning Huanxin entered the village, her first feeling was a little familiar. The layout of the village looked a lot like the village of Xiao and their Anle.

However, there are no restaurants in this village, and even the most common small shops in the small village, Ning Huanxin did not see. The whole village is that kind of ordinary houses.

Ning Huanxin simply watched slowly from the village, and walked while watching.

She released her perception ability and mental power. If there is any special aura and magical instrument somewhere in this village, she will definitely feel it for the first time.

From the house at the head of the village to the middle of the village, I have already walked more than half of the time, but Ning Huanxin did not see any strange things or places. At this time, she happened to pass by a house whose yard gate was open. There is only one person, a man, who is sitting at a small dinner table and eating seriously.

Ning Huanxin noticed that his lunch consisted of a plate of wild mountain vegetables, no other side dishes, no rice or staple food!

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