Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1453: 1453: Resurrected Memory (3)

"Ning Huanxin, stop struggling, you have run out of oil."

Jiang Ziluo said as he walked forward, his eyes flashed with purple light: "Now, it's my turn to shoot!"

Jiang Ziluo’s whole body was surrounded by demonic energy, and countless demons were wailing. Those demons gradually gathered into a huge demonic general over two meters high. The demonic general was terrifying and breathtaking, and it slowly opened. Eyes, those eyes stared at Ning Huanxin firmly.

Ning Huanxin immediately felt a deep chill and an endless sense of crisis.

Just now, she had already used her last spiritual power in order to display the blood forbidden red lotus. Now in the demon formation, Ning Huanxin has no spiritual power available, and ordinary spells and magical instruments are useless for Jiang Ziluo.

Holding the Jinghong Sword in his hand tightly, Ning Huan smiled lowly, feeling the body of Jinghong Sword trembling constantly.

"Don't move, it's okay."

Even at this moment, Ning Huan's heart is still calm.

The Jinghong Sword also consumed a lot of spiritual energy today. At this moment, Ning Huanxin knew that it wanted to protect itself, but in this demon formation, the Jinghong Sword could not exert its true strength, and its spiritual power was also affected. Sucking suppressed.



The Demon Phantom Demon General released by Jiang Ziluo suddenly let out a deafening roar, and then the huge and ferocious body suddenly rushed towards Ning Huanxin. At this moment, Ning Huanxin did not close his eyes, because at that moment, the demon general rushed At the moment she came over, Ning Huanxin stared her eyes and froze in place.

Are you scared?

Do not. At this moment, a picture flashed across Ning Huanxin's mind. There was a battlefield with a sea of ​​corpses.

She saw countless immortals fighting and entangled.

And there are a lot of such demons on the battlefield.



The Phantom Demon Commander had already rushed to Ning Huanxin's eyes, and his blood basin opened wide and went straight to Ning Huanxin's key.

Standing in place, Ning Huanxin seemed to be unconscious. He didn't move, even his eyes didn't blink.

At this critical moment, the white jade ring on Ning Huanxin's hand suddenly released a shocking light!

The endless cold and domineering atmosphere swept the audience in an instant!

This breath is...

"It's the breath of His Highness!"

The female demon assassin behind Jiang Ziluo suddenly shouted with excitement.

She will never forget this breath.

"It's the breath of Brother Da Huang."

A panic flashed across Jiang Ziluo's eyes, but he quickly calmed down.

Now that Big Emperor Brother is still crossing the Demon Tribulation in another time and space, it is impossible for him to sense the danger of Ning Huanxin, and it is also impossible for Ning Huanxin to be teleported to that time and space.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ziluo settled down.

A hint of sarcasm flashed through the eyes: "Do you think that there is a magical weapon from the Great Emperor to protect you, so you are safe? This magical weapon seems to be an emergency teleportation weapon, but unfortunately, now the Emperor is in a closed time and space. He can't show up, and you can't find him, you..."

"Ha ha."

A sneer interrupted Jiang Ziluo's words.

This sneer, with endless mockery.

Jiang Ziluo:...

This prince hates others and I "haha" most.

"Jiang Ziluo, haven't seen you for thousands of years, why are you still so...idiot?"

The cold female voice, high above, without any emotion.

This voice is...

The moment he heard this voice, Jiang Ziluo stepped back subconsciously.

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