Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1454: 1454: Resurrected Memory (4)

When the white light gradually dissipated, what appeared in front of everyone was no longer the ordinary and beautiful face belonging to Gu Huan, but the amazing beauty of Ning Huanxin herself.

At this time, Ning Huanxin still held the Jinghong Sword, but the body of the Jinghong Sword was filled with white gas.

That is……


"Qing... Fairy Qingxin?"

Jiang Ziluo gave a tentative cry.

Ning Huanxin just raised her eyes carelessly, glanced at Jiang Ziluo, and then continued to look at the Jinghong Sword in her hand.

"Huh? This fierce sword actually has a sword spirit? It's still a beautiful man!"

It's weird! strange! This fairy has never seen such a strange sword spirit in the immortal world for thousands of years.

Could it be...

After this fairy was reincarnated, his personality was so great that he attracted such an outstanding sword spirit?

Well, it must be so.

[Everyone: What about the high cold master? This handsome style of only three seconds is swollen! 】

At this time, the atmosphere of the whole area is very embarrassing.

The villagers didn't dare to move, Wuming looked at Ning Huanxin in surprise, he had already felt that her breath had undergone earth-shaking changes in an instant.

When Jiang Ziluo saw that Ning Huanxin ignored him and bowed his head intently to play swords there, he immediately took a few steps back——

Nima, who didn't know that Fairy Qingxin was the number one dude in the fairy world?

Such a gesture undoubtedly restored her memory!

"Hey, what are you running?"

Feeling Jiang Ziluo's movements, Ning Huanxin suddenly raised her head and smiled at him, a very standard and charming smile, just showing eight neat and white teeth.

"Who, who ran away?"

Jiang Ziluo was sweating coldly.

"Oh, there is a broken formation here. Is this broken formation blocking you, so you can't run away?"

As Ning Huanxin said, she raised her hand at random and flew out a fairy qi. The entire Forbidden Spirit Array was fragmented in an instant, and the devil qi and demons that supported the formation were all wiped out in an instant, not even a puff of black smoke. Leftover.

Good, so strong.

Is this the legendary transformation upgrade?

Cui Can has been standing outside the circle. Although he can't move or talk, he is still conscious. Seeing Ning Huanxin's posture at this time, Cui Can feels like a person is in a dream--

How powerful other people are, whether they are ghosts or demons, Cui Can doesn't know them either, just as long as they are all demons and ghosts!

But who is Ning Huanxin?

Cui Can and Ning Huanxin are so familiar with each other. Anyone who suddenly sees his acquaintance becomes an immortal will definitely crash his brain.


Seeing that the Forbidden Spirit Array was broken open by Ning Huanxin effortlessly, Jiang Ziluo was really scared.

"Qingxin, we have disappeared for thousands of years. You think we are still relatives. I actually made this move just to meet you. Look, didn't I help you recover your memory smoothly?"

Jiang Ziluo had completely changed his appearance at this time, looking at Ning Huanxin with a smile on his face.

The reason why the demons are demons is because they are very shameless.

Not to mention the demon prince, even the great demon king is here, and when it is time to counsel, he will immediately counsel him, absolutely unambiguous!

"Don't call it so close, I'm not familiar with you, why Qingxin? I have a name, and my name is Ning Huanxin."

For some reason, she especially likes her name in this life.

Maybe it's like what Old Ning said--

Happy, happy, happy forever.

This is what she wants most.

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