Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1468: 1468: Back to Yanjing (1)

Ning Huanxin called his grandfather. Father Gu heard that Ning Huanxin actually received an apprentice in Tongzhou City, and that the apprentice was of pure yang blood the day after tomorrow. The father was very happy and immediately decided to call someone in the family to send out a private The plane went to Tongzhou City to pick them up.

And here, Wei Shuangquan has helped Wei Shuangshuang go through the discharge procedures. Ning Huanxin took a sum of money from the hospital’s ATM and handed it to Wei Shuangquan. At first, Wei Shuangquan said that he didn’t want anything. Huanxin could only use his identity as Master Wei Shuangshuang to suppress him, and Wei Shuangquan accepted the money.

"Shuangshuang and I returned to Yanjing to heal her body. I am afraid it will take at least a few months or half a year. During this time, she needs to practice in retreat and cannot communicate with you. Therefore, you will accept the money. Well, for the unexpected needs of the family, in the future Shuangshuang will be our family caretakers, and her family is also our family, so you should not have any burdens."

Ning Huanxin's words are very serious.

Holding the money, Wei Shuangquan couldn't help but nodded vigorously: "Okay, I see, I believe Miss Gu!"

Wei Shuangquan also hopes very much that the next time she sees Shuangshuang, she will become the same as before, beautiful and generous, and her smile is especially cute.


The siblings said goodbye.

After the Gu family arrived in Tongzhou City, they immediately contacted Ning Huanxin and took Wei Shuangshuang on the plane.

Before boarding the plane, Ning Huanxin called Cui Can again and told him that he would contact him again when he returned to Yanjing.


"Gu Huan."

On the plane, the Gu family disciples looked at Ning Huanxin in strange eyes, as if they were awed and curious.

Because now Ning Huanxin still uses the identity of "Gu Huan", and the name Gu Huan, whether in the Gu family or in the entire Xuanmen, is a very mysterious existence.

Outsiders say that Gu Huan is the genius of the Gu family and its secret weapon. For the disciples of the Gu family, Gu Huan is also very mysterious. Even most disciples have never seen this legendary genius girl.

"Sister Gu Huan!"

A few courageous disciples surrounded Ning Huanxin and started chatting with her. Ning Huanxin didn't have any pretensions and chatted with them casually.

At this time, a disciple suddenly said: "Senior Sister Gu Huan, Ling Leyuan, the eldest of the Ling family, arrived at our Gu’s house yesterday. She had to see you, Senior Sister. The master said, Senior Sister, you’ve gone out to practice. Then Ling Leyuan still doesn’t believe it, and lives in Gu’s family. Said to wait for you to come back, and what gambling appointment with her!"

"Yes, that is, Miss Ling, what a big air! Sister, when you go back, you must teach her a lesson!"


Ning Huanxin could only nod awkwardly when he heard the words of a few juniors.

She really almost forgot that she and Ling Leyuan had a bet. More precisely, she deliberately accused Ling Leyuan to help herself watch Nan Xiao.

Now Ling Leyuan has come to the door, could it be that Nan Xiao's matter has been resolved?

If this is the case, it would be a great thing.

As for the betting...

Ning Huanxin really never paid attention to it.


The plane finally landed on Yanjing's general airport, and Gu's family had already sent someone to wait at the airport.

The person who led the team to pick up the plane was not someone else, but Xu Changan.

Seeing Ning Huanxin bringing back a woman covered in bandages, Xu Changan immediately pulled her aside: "I said...this is your apprentice?"

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