Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1469: 1469: Back to Yanjing (2)

Elder Gu just told Xu Changan that Ning Huanxin had accepted an apprentice, but didn't tell him about the special bloodline.

This matter is very involved, and Mr. Gu doesn't intend to tell anyone in the family.

Therefore, when Xu Changan saw that the apprentice Ning Huanxin brought back was all wounded, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Well, her name is Wei Shuangshuang. Although she has some minor physical problems, she will get better soon. Let's go home."

With that, Ning Huanxin was about to get in the car, but at this time Xu Changan looked at his watch.

"Wait a minute, one more person."


Ning Huan was startled. Is anyone in Gu's family returning from a trip? Just happened to land in the same place with yourself?

"It's from the Yun family."

Xu Changan replied with a low voice to Ning Huanxin.

"Yun Ye, he also went to Tongzhou City for business and came back today. I just received a call on the road and he landed here. He said he planned to visit the old man at Yuhai Mountain. Let me wait for him by the way."

Because of Yun Xi's relationship, Xu Changan is very familiar with the Donghai Yun family, and even more familiar with Yun Ye.

Therefore, after receiving Yun Ye's call, Xu Changan agreed to him without thinking of anything else.

"It turns out that Brother Yun is also back? It's fast enough."

Ning Huan was stunned, and then nodded thoughtfully.

Yun Ye has no less things to do than himself, but he is so fast, should someone else in the Yun family help?

Why did he come to Yanjing to visit Gu's family in such anxiousness? Because of yourself?

If Ning Huanxin didn't dare to look at herself so high before, it's different now.

Because Yun Ye had seen Ning Huanxin recover his memory with his own eyes, even if he didn't know the cause and effect, he could guess that Ning Huanxin's identity was extraordinary.

So this time...

It is estimated that Yun Ye represented the Yun family's coming to show good wishes to the Gu family again, and of course it was also a gesture to show Ning Huanxin.


"Why, did Huanxin meet Yun Ye when you were sailing through the boat?"

At this time, Xu Changan on the side heard Ning Huanxin's words, and couldn't help pulling her to ask in a low voice.

The two people stood alone with low voices, so they were not afraid of being heard by others, let alone doubting Ning Huanxin's identity.

"How about Cui Can? Did you find him?"

Xu Changan still remembered Ning Huanxin's purpose of going to the boat this time.

"Well, Brother Cui has returned safely. I guess he and Jiang Yanran will have returned to the city by this time."

Ning Huanxin didn't say much, things about Misty Valley and the experimental field could not be understood in a few words.

"Senior Brother Xu! Junior Sister Gu!"

Yun Ye's familiar voice suddenly sounded behind the two people.

When Ning Huanxin turned his head, he saw Yun Ye's familiar figure walking slowly in front of the two people.

"Brother Yun."

Ning Huanxin and Xu Changan both said hello to Yun Ye. Yun Ye smiled, his eyes stopped on Ning Huanxin's body, and then looked at Xu Changan: "I didn't let you wait for a long time, right?"

"No, everyone is here, let's go, my master is waiting at home!"


As the three spoke, they turned around and walked forward together, where Gu's business car stopped.

Xu Changan took other disciples in a car, and two disciples took Wei Shuangshuang in a car to take care of her.

Ning Huanxin and Yun Ye were sitting in the third car.

As soon as he got in the car, Yun Ye turned to look at Ning Huanxin's face.

"You look like this... it looks good."

Perhaps it is because he has long been used to and familiar with the face of "Gu Huan".

At the beginning, he suddenly saw Ning Huanxin's true face in Misty Valley, and saw that amazing face, which made him feel uncomfortable.

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