Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1470: 1470: Back to Yanjing (3)

Hearing Yun Ye's words, Ning Huanxin just smiled faintly; "Senior Brother Yun, the matter over there...have you solved it?"


Yun Ye nodded and replied: "The matter of the case has been handed over to the police, and Misty Valley has also been blocked by someone. As for Li Heng and the others, I will also send someone to settle down."

"Senior Brother Yun is really efficient in doing things, I admire him."

Ning Huanxin gave Yun Ye a thumbs up, Yun Ye just shook his head slightly: "Compared to Junior Sister Gu, you are far worse."

Having seen how Ning Huanxin broke the big formation with a single move and frightened the Demon Race back, Yun Ye was now in front of her but didn't dare to support her.

Ning Huanxin knew Yun Ye's thoughts, she just smiled without answering.


When the car was speeding on the highway and was approaching the range of Yuhai Mountain, Ning Huanxin suddenly received a call from Cui Can.

It turned out that he had returned to his company and met Lin Chu.

"Haixin, Lin Chu has done crisis public relations in the past two days. Don't worry about the scandal. We will take care of it."

Cui Can's voice is calm, as if everything is under control.

"Well, I can rest assured that Brother Cui is doing things. By the way, that sister Chu Chu... is she all right?"

Ning Huan asked subconsciously.

A lot of things happened during this period. It is reasonable to say that Cui Can and Lin Chu should act as soon as the scandal appeared, but this time Cui Can was involuntarily unable to clarify, and Lin Chu?

Lin Chu didn't immediately stand up to clarify, nor did he take the initiative to contact Ning Huanxin, which made Ning Huanxin a little concerned.

At that time, because Ning Huanxin had more important things to do, she left in a hurry, so she didn't care about so much and didn't contact Lin Chu.

Although Lin Chu is Ning Huanxin's agent, they rarely spend time together, and they give each other a lot of freedom.

Ning Huanxin was worried now, could something be wrong with Lin Chu?


Hearing Ning Huanxin's question, Cui Can hesitated for a while, at this time Lin Chu had taken the phone.

"Haixin, it's me."

Lin Chu's voice is still so nice, he doesn't look tired.

"This is my intention."

Lin Chu didn't conceal the slightest bit, and said indifferently: "After all, this scandal has no loss to your artist image, but it helps to increase popularity, and I believe you and Jiang Lixing. I always believe that after this farce, You will use your actions to tell the public that you are together, it's good."

Lin Chu had been deeply hurt by people. At that time, she began to doubt life, and she didn't even want to trust anyone.

After meeting Ning Huanxin, she heard a lot about Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing from Cui Can and Xie Yudie, and even...

She also witnessed many sweet moments between two people.

Lin Chu felt that he believed in love again——

There is a kind of love, named Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin.

in case……

Even Jiang is unreliable, so can there be any more reliable men in this world?


Hearing Lin Chu's words, Ning Huanxin immediately understood Lin Chu's intentions. She was really a very dedicated agent, and Ning Huanxin was not easy to blame.

Because everything Lin Chu did was for her good.

"It turns out that it's like this, Sister Chu Chu, just be fine. I'm still worried about what's going on with you. I'll leave this to you and Brother Cui. "

With that, Ning Huanxin had hung up the phone.

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