Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1473: 1473: Discuss (3)

Ling Leyuan's cultivation level actually improved a level.

Feeling Ling Leyuan's fighting spirit, Ning Huanxin immediately put away her smile, her expression becoming solemn.

It turned out that when solving Nan Xiao's affairs, in the process of fighting Li Gui, Ling Leyuan made a breakthrough in danger!

That's why she must come to Gu's house to fight Gu Huan!

"I have to compete with you, fair competition!"

Ling Leyuan's attitude was unusually determined!

"Okay, okay! I will compete with you, absolutely fair."

Ning Huanxin sighed and turned to look at Yun Ye: "Senior Brother Yun, please be a witness for us!"

"it is good."

Yun Ye nodded.

Unexpectedly, he would have unexpected gains this time.


Take the lead by Xu Changan, and took a few people straight to the Gu family's martial arts field. The Gu family disciples have actually been around the reception hall waiting to see the excitement. Now I heard that Senior Sister Gu Huan is going to compete with Miss Ling. They Immediately gathered in small groups to the martial arts field.

Although Ling Leyuan was in the Xuanmen, the disciples of the Gu family also had blind faith in Gu Huan.

This is the home court of the Gu family.

What's more, they don't necessarily lose.

"Are you going to release water?"

On the way to the martial arts field, Yun Ye suddenly leaned against Ning Huan's heart and asked.

He believed that the current strength of Ning Huanxin was long enough to crush all the elite disciples of the younger generation in Xuanmen.

"Release the water?"

Hearing Yun Ye's words, Ning Huanxin just smiled slightly: "Of course...no."


Gu's martial arts field.

It was already evening, and the sunset on the horizon was shaky, dyeing the western sky a golden red.

Ning Huanxin and Ling Leyuan were already standing on the most central arena in the martial arts arena, while Yun Ye and Xu Changan were standing on the high platform next to the arena.

"This competition is a competitive competition, so you can stop it. Don't hurt everyone's harmony."

As a witness, Yun Ye spoke softly. While speaking, he looked at the direction of Ling Leyuan and Ning Huanxin, and continued: "I wonder if the two juniors are planning to win or lose in one round? Or two wins in three rounds?"

Hearing Yun Ye's words, Ning Huanxin just raised his eyebrows, looked at Ling Leyuan who was opposite him, smiled and said, "Miss Ling is a guest, she has the final say."

"Two wins in three rounds, lest anyone loses one round and is not convinced."

Ling Leyuan proudly took out her long sword. She had just been promoted, her fighting spirit was surging at this time, and her body was full of fierce aura.


Ning Huanxin didn't have any comments.

"In this case, we will win two games in three games."

Yun Ye looked at the people in the stands. There were a lot of disciples from the Gu family. Even Yun Ye still felt a strong breath. It should be...Master Gu?

Elder Gu did not show up, but he must be watching the game secretly in a corner.

"So, now I announce, the first competition, start!"

As Yun Ye's voice fell, Ning Huanxin took out his Jinghong Sword in a hurry.

Since it's a competition, you can't keep your hands, let water or something, but Ning Huanxin has never considered it.

Fight if you can!

She will never have any softness and tolerance.

The ring is the battlefield!

Although it has nothing to do with life and death, since standing in this arena, you must respect your opponents and at the same time respect yourself.

At the moment when Jing Hongjian appeared on the stage, the entire arena, the entire martial arts field, and even... the entire backyard of the Gu family was constantly wandering with astonishing evil spirits!

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