Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1474: 1474: Discuss (4)

A strong evil spirit with incomparable murderous intent filled the midair of the martial arts field.

Some of the Gu family's children with a low cultivation base couldn't stand such a strong suffocation, all of them pale and subconsciously stepped back.

What kind of sword is this!

It's so fierce!

Not to mention the children of the Gu family and Ling Leyuan, the old man Gu, who was hiding in the dark, was shocked at this time——

When did Huanxin have such a spirit sword?

I am afraid that even oneself can't control such a strong evil spirit, so how does Huanxin do it?

Will there be any backlash from this fierce sword?

Old man Gu subconsciously began to worry about Ning Huanxin's safety.

At this time, Ling Leyuan's long sword was suppressed by Jinghong Sword, and he started to cry low, the sword body trembled, as if he was afraid and fearful.

Ling Leyuan squeezed her spirit sword tightly. Although she was shocked in her heart, she still gritted her teeth and looked wary.

"Gu Huan, let's move!"

"Oh? Let me make the move first? Why don't we work together!"

Ning Huanxin used her spiritual power slightly as she spoke, and the Jinghong Sword had already skyrocketed!

In the next moment, the weird long sword pierced through the air, locking the position where Ling Leyuan was locked.

Ling Leyuan also shot in an instant, but as soon as the spirit sword in her hand was swung out, she was suppressed by the Jinghong Sword——

After a sound of metal crashing, Ling Leyuan's spirit sword actually shattered every inch!

And Ning Huanxin's shocking sword pointed directly at her throat!

one move!

Only one trick!

The Gu family disciple in the audience was stunned for a while, and immediately burst into a terrifying cheer——

"Gu Huan! Gu Huan!"

"Gu Huan! Gu Huan!"

Under the ring, cheers were endless.

On the ring, Ling Leyuan was pointed at by Jinghong Sword. At this moment, she felt a real threat from the **** of death.

This sword...

It seems to have its own soul, it is warning and provoking itself, as if it can pierce its throat anytime and anywhere.

This threat of death caused Ling Leyuan to take two steps back subconsciously.


"Sorry, my sword is too fierce. When the competition is over, I will accompany Miss Ling with a good sword."

Ning Huanxin didn't expect that Jinghong Sword would shatter all the spirit swords in the world.

This Chu Yi must be deliberate!

Ning Huanxin saw that Ling Leyuan's face was not good, she immediately recalled the Jinghong Sword and whispered a few words while holding the sword. Then she put the Jinghong Sword away and looked up at Ling Leyuan whispering: "My sword. I’ve been in a bad mood these two days, so let’s go, in the second game, I don’t need weapons."

No weapons?

Ling Leyuan finally recovered, looking at Ning Huanxin, the fighting spirit in his eyes became stronger!

One move was defeated!

This is simply a shame!

Now Gu Huan actually said he doesn't need weapons? Is this Chi Guoguo taunting her?

"In this case, I don't use weapons."

Ling Leyuan would not concede defeat easily. She had already lost her attitude when she retreated. This time, she could not retreat anymore.

After moving his limbs, taking a deep breath, running his aura, Ling Leyuan's body was slowly covered by a layer of white aura.

What a strong aura!

Although she didn't like this Miss Ling very much, the aura in her body and her cultivation skills were so profound that the other disciples of the Gu family were indeed beyond the reach!

"let's start."

Ling Leyuan stared at Ning Huanxin coldly. This time, she must win!


Hearing Ling Leyuan's words, Ning Huanxin nodded, and she also began to concentrate on gathering the aura in her body. The aura gathered around Ning Huanxin slowly turned into a fiery red color.

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