Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1475: 1475: Discuss (5)

The hot red has made the temperature of the entire martial arts venue rise a lot.

This temperature is...

Xu Changan on the high platform was not surprised. He knew that Ning Huanxin had an adventure outside before returning to Gu's house. The exercises she practiced were extremely domineering, and the most powerful exercise was this blood-free red lotus!

This exercise is really powerful.

The expression on Yun Ye's face standing aside was also very calm, and he was not surprised.

Yun Ye knew very well that even if Ning Huanxin really lost her memory, her abilities were still beyond the ability of ordinary cultivators.

At this moment, Yun Ye squeezed a sweat for Ling Leyuan, and at the same time felt very grateful. Fortunately, it was not the Yun family who was competing with Ning Huanxin, and the Yun family would never have trouble with her in the future.

"Gu Huan!"

"Gu Huan!"

"Senior Sister is mighty!"

Although the disciples of the Gu family were also very fond of Ji Bining when they were young, the monks were accustomed to arranging generations and titles according to their cultivation level. Therefore, at this moment, the disciples of the Gu family recognized the mysterious Gu Huan Sister from the bottom of their hearts.

On the ring, Ling Leyuan and Ning Huanxin were not disturbed by outsiders, and the atmosphere between the two was very tense.

This time Ling Leyuan took the lead!

The surging spiritual energy rushed to Ning Huanxin's vitality with incomparable strength!

One shot is Ling's unique secret skill-Lingxian Jue!

Ning Huanxin didn't hesitate, the red aura all over her body finally gathered into a fiery red lotus, which bloomed brilliantly in mid-air, wherever she went, red lotus was everywhere!

The entire arena was instantly surrounded by fiery red, and the heat wave was so hot that the audience under the arena subconsciously stepped back.

When the red flames dissipated, and the surrounding temperature returned to normal little by little, there was only one standing figure on the ring, Ning Huanxin.

Another trick!

This time, the audience was silent--

What kind of monster is this!

"Sister Ling just fainted. Big Brother Xu, send someone to help her to rest in the guest room."

Ning Huanxin said softly to Xu Changan. She didn't use Blood Forbidden Red Lotus's ultimate move, after all, it was just a discussion, she didn't want to cause death.


Xu Changan nodded, and immediately flew down.

Of those present, he and Yun Ye were the only ones who could remain calm.

The other Gu family disciples couldn't react at all--

What about Ling's genius?

What about the first female disciple of Xuanmen?

Is this definitely a contest, rather than being crushed by unilateral strength?

"Okay, it's all gone, nothing to look at."

Ning Huanxin waved away the other disciples of the Gu family. Now in everyone’s eyes, Senior Sister Gu Huan’s figure is extremely tall, and even many people are secretly speculating in their hearts--

Perhaps no one is an opponent of Senior Sister Gu Huan, she is the well-deserved first person in the younger generation of Gu family!

"Your prestige in Gu's family probably surpasses Gu Xiao."

At this time, Yun Ye also jumped down from the high platform, smiling while watching Ning Huanxin whisper.

"That's not bad. The Gu family has Gu Huan and Gu Xiao. I think that after this competition, some people will be stabilized."

Ning Huanxin whispered indifferently.

Although she officially entered the Xuanmen not long ago, she felt the hostility and scruples of other schools and families towards Gu's family through the last competition.

In fact, it's not just Ling Leyuan, Ning Huanxin did not offend people in the last game, such as the people in Xijiang, Mijia probably hated him deeply.

But after this time he and Ling Leyuan's competition, once the news spreads, others will have to re-evaluate their own strength, and in a short time, they won't have any other actions.

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