Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1507: 1507: Because of love

"Crack on a woolen thread."

Hearing Xuan Ming's words, Qiao Xuejun immediately rolled his eyes: "That guy is shameless! Despicable! Who would like him if he is full of bad water!"


Xuan Ming poured herself a glass of wine and shook the glass: "You don't have a crush on Jiang Lixing, I'll go, do you like Ning Huanxin?"

"go away."

Qiao Xuejun raised her hand and gently pushed Xuanming: "What is the relationship between Huanxin and I? We were good sisters when she was Fairy Qingxin, good sisters for thousands of years, do you know that kind of relationship? "

Speaking of this, Qiao Xuejun's eyes suddenly darkened: "But... Ever since Jiang Lixing appeared, everything has changed."

After sighing, Qiao Xuejun drank all of the wine in the glass. Then, she shook the glass and smiled incredibly charmingly: "Xuanming, do you know that feeling? Everyone around you knows you. Everyone rejects you, is afraid of you, no one wants to believe you, no one wants to open up to you, and more... no one wants to be your friend."

That feeling... really lonely.

Lonely makes people want to die.

"I don't know how to use mind reading with you. Isn't it good for us to play together?"

When she was a little girl in the fairy world, she was rejected by everyone, including her parents and relatives.

Even if she promised repeatedly, no one in the entire fairy world wanted to believe her until--

"Okay! We will be good friends from now on!"

Only one person responded to her.

That person is Ning Huanxin.

"She is my only friend. I want to be with her, play with, laugh, cry together and feel uncomfortable together. Only she in this world can share all the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys with me, but... Then Jiang Lixing appeared He is obviously a liar, why is he willing to believe him when he is happy?"

Qiao Xuejun was obviously excited when he said this--

Back then, the **** Jiang Lixing used all kinds of tricks to deceive Ning Huanxin. Qiao Xuejun knew everything and wanted to stop it, but...


Upon hearing Qiao Xuejun's words, Xuan Ming suddenly laughed, interrupting her thoughts.

"Actually, I know some of their previous things. You may think that everything you do is right. You are helping your friend and helping her stay away from liars, but have you ever thought about... Jiang Lixing did it back then? So many things did not hurt Ning Huan's heart. Everything he did, even if it was cheated, was all because of love."

Xuan Ming said, she couldn't help but raise her eyes, and looked at Qiao Xuejun deeply: "Because he loves Huanxin, and Huanxin doesn't care about his identity and his initial deception because of love."

As long as you love each other, everything is not a problem.


Qiao Xuejun frowned--

What is love?

Jiang Lixing is so "bullying" and happy, is it because he loves her?

"The fairy world is not allowed to talk about love, even if it is love, you need the grace of the emperor to be together."

Qiao Xuejun came back to her senses, her tone a bit complicated.


Xuan Ming slapped the table vigorously from the side: "Your immortal emperor just doesn't look at other people who have lovers and finally get married, I think he is sick."


Qiao Xuejun heard Xuan Ming's words and suddenly looked at him with gleaming eyes: "Xuan Ming, I heard that the reason you were sealed here is because you fell in love with an immortal back then. Is that true? "

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