Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1508: 1508: Xuanming's Past (1)

Hearing Qiao Xuejun's question about his past, Xuan Ming's face turned black immediately: "If you want to drink, drink, where did you come from so much nonsense!"

With that said, Xuan Ming suddenly got up and turned and left without hesitation.

"This person, how can you turn your face?"

Qiao Xuejun looked at Xuan Ming's back and blinked puzzledly.

She was able to see through everything since she was a child, and even the emperor had a dumbfounded look at her.

But...because of this, in Qiao Xuejun's view, this world is transparent to her and there are no secrets.

Therefore, she has also developed a very strange character. It can be said that she has no knowledge of all kinds of human affections.

Even, for so many years...

She never knew what it would be like to be loved or fall in love with someone.

At this moment, Qiao Xuejun kept staring at Xuan Ming's back until he disappeared.

She had to guard a barrel of wine by herself, and then drank silently. Only the black butterfly accompanied her.


The next day, Qiao Xuejun returned to the hotel early in the morning and happened to see Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin in the hotel restaurant.

At first she wanted to get there, but thinking of what Xuan Ming said to her last night, Qiao Xuejun was taken aback for a while, and finally walked to Gu Chen's side.

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

Qiao Xuejun bends her lips at Gu Chen slightly, smiling sweetly.

"Of course I don't mind. It's my honor to have dinner with beautiful women."

Gu Chen looked at Qiao Xuejun very gently.

Qiao Xuejun smiled again, and curiously asked: "Why don't you eat with your cousin? They don't like it? Isn't it boring for you to eat alone?"

"If I am not alone, how did I meet a beautiful woman like you?"

Gu Chen smiled: "Besides, I don't want to be hated by my brother-in-law for being a light bulb. Look, the two of them are sweet to death together. Wouldn't it be a lot for me to stay by? "


Qiao Xuejun turned her head curiously and saw Jiang Lixing picking vegetables for Ning Huanxin, her eyes full of petting.

Humph! This person is still so hypocritical! but……

When Qiao Xuejun saw Ning Huanxin's sweet face, she couldn't help being stunned.

Could this be the love Xuan Ming said?

It's so complicated!


Today is "Did You Lie Today?" 》On the first day of the film crew, all the actors who received the announcement came to the shooting location, which is the campus of Yenching Medical University.

Ning Huanxin went to her exclusive dressing room to do styling early, but Qiao Xuejun took advantage of this moment and slipped to Jiang Lixing's side.

When Jiang Lixing saw her, he didn't get angry.

"I haven't asked you to settle the account, but you have come from the net."

As Jiang Lixing said, he slowly released a strong cold air.

"Hey, I didn't do anything. I went out to find Xuan Ming for a drink last night."

Qiao Xuejun glanced at Jiang Lixing: "Aren't you familiar with Xuan Ming? I ask you something, back then...what did Xuan Ming commit and be sealed in Huangquan Pub for thousands of years?"


Hearing Qiao Xuejun’s question, Jiang Lixing gave her a surprised look.

When did this woman become so gossip?

"What do you see me doing? I'm just curious to ask, just forget it if you don't like it.

With that, Qiao Xuejun turned her head and left. She didn't want to ask for help. Besides, she hadn't asked for someone when she grew up.

"and many more."

Jiang Lixing stopped Qiao Xuejun.

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