It turned out that Ruan Qingqing’s ex-boyfriend had been wandering around the rooftops a long time ago. He saw Ruan Qingqing and Yao Rui together, and secretly used his mobile phone to take pictures of Yao Rui comforting Ruan Qingqing, planning to find an opportunity to blackmail Yao Rui.

His idea is very good, because he knows that Yao Rui's family background is very good, he is still a scholar, he must pay attention to fame, and he will be his own cash cow in the future!


This man is so shameless and despicable!

Thinking that he owed Yao Rui so much, Ruan Qingqing immediately became excited and wanted to grab the man's mobile phone. As a result, the two of them were torn apart on the rooftop.

During the pull, Ruan Qingqing slipped and was pushed downstairs by the man.

Seeing that he had killed someone by mistake, the man immediately disguised the scene and wrote blood in order to divert his attention.

A line of blood: Those who lie will not end well.

This sentence completely made Ruan Qingqing’s death the most sensational news on campus——

In the end, Ruan Qingqing committed suicide because of lying and guilt?

Or is it because Yao Rui lied and committed suicide in grief?

In any case, because of Ruan Qingqing's death, Yao Rui was pushed to the forefront. At this time, the murderer who was afraid of his own affairs took the opportunity to print out the pictures of Yao Rui and Ruan Qingqing on the rooftop and posted them in the school!

For a while, Yao Rui became the target of public criticism. His parents were admitted to the hospital with anger, and Yao Rui, who was under pressure, became severely depressed because of this incident. Not long after, he was also on the roof of the teaching building. Committed suicide by jumping off the building.

This story seems to be the end here, but what is unexpected is that the son of the man who killed Ruan Qingqing back then came to Yanjing Medical University to go to school 20 years later, and he and his father Similarly, I like to talk bluff and deceive the girl's feelings everywhere, perhaps because this led to the resentment of Ruan Qingqing and opened a new round of mystery of falling from the roof.

And because the hostess and her group led ghosts on the rooftops during the summer vacation, rooftop suicides occurred after school started! They always thought that they had summoned Ruan Qingqing’s ghost, so they had been trying every means to find her ghost and stop her behavior. At the same time, Shen Xue was also actively investigating the events of the year, and finally she found it. The truth has allowed the murderer of the year to punish, and Ruan Qingqing's soul can rest in peace.

The whole story is like this, and the lie in this story is the lie of Ruan Qingqing back then, and the lie deliberately left by the murderer, two lie, which killed Yao Rui.

The liar has no good end.

How ironic this lie is.

Ruan Qingqing had always regretted it, even if she died, she couldn't forgive herself, let alone the murderer.


The plot of this story is actually quite compact, there are many interference elements in the investigation process, and the reversal of the plot, the emotional development of the heroine and the heroine is also perfect.

Although it is a horror movie, there are also many tear-gas scenes.

Ning Huanxin thinks that the best thing might be the close-up of the female ghost Ruan Qingqing in the finale——

People are awesome.

Sometimes you don't know how much disaster your casual lie will bring to others' lives.

So, did you lie today?

If someone encounters misfortune because of one of your lie, do you feel guilty in your heart?

Be careful, you will be the next person who becomes unfortunate because of lies.

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