In any case, the plot of the movie is justified, it is a script made up by the screenwriter.

Therefore, although Ning Huanxin knows all the plots, she is more cautious than anyone else, because it looks like a movie world, but it is very likely that there is an unknown and true past.

Here, what they want to explore is not the script written by the screenwriter, but the truth of the facts.

For example, the weird attitude of the old people in the school's family building, the appearance of Han Yu, and the information he brought, are not part of the movie plot, but now they all appear by themselves.

Are these all deliberate arrangements of the female ghost?

She seems to be guiding them to find the real truth.

"Han Jing, what do you think?"

Shen Xue on the side had already read the autopsy report. At this moment, when she raised her eyes, she saw Ning Huanxin leaning on her side and her expression dignified, as if thinking about something.

Han Jing looks... something is wrong.

Shen Xue's feelings were very strong, but she didn't know why Han Jing suddenly became like this. Is there anything on her mind?


Hearing what Shen Xue said, Ning Huanxin quickly recovered, and smiled apologetically at Shen Xue: "Sorry Xiaoxue, I was just thinking about something."

"Han Jing, have you encountered something? I don't think you are in a good state today, and you often lose your mind."

Shen Xue asked concerned.

Sure enough, people who love reasoning are different, they can be so sensitive.


Ning Huan hesitated for a while, then looked up at Shen Xue: "Actually, I was thinking about Ruan Qingqing's affairs. I had long felt something was wrong, so I asked my brother to go to the police station to get the files, but...what's wrong? Son, I can’t think of it for a while, why should I be less smart than you?"

After speaking, Ning Huanxin looked at Shen Xue with a smile.

Shen Xue smiled faintly: "Where am I smart? I just like to be nosy, like puzzles, OK, I have read all these materials, let's go to your room to rest for a while, and then..."

Shen Xue didn't continue, but made a gesture of walking out with both hands.

She knew that Han Yu was at home and was afraid of being heard by him. If Han Yu knew that he was going to take his sister out of the house in the middle of the night and play some **** in the scene of the murder 20 years ago, Han Yu would definitely go crazy.

Seeing Shen Xue's movements, Ning Huanxin immediately understood. The two of them looked at each other and smiled, and walked into Han Jing's bedroom together slowly, closing the door gently.

After the door was closed, the whole hall immediately became quiet. Within a few minutes, Han Yu came out of his room. Seeing that there was no one in the living room, Han Yu just frowned and walked directly to the kitchen. , Took off his glasses, rubbed his tired eyes, then took a bottle of soda and turned back to his bedroom, and never came out again.


Ning Huanxin and Shen Xue lay in the room for a while, and they felt sleepy.

The two planned to take a nap, fearing that they would not be able to get up in the middle of the night. They set an alarm clock with their mobile phones, which was set at 11:10 in the middle of the night.

After setting the alarm clock, the two of them lay on the bed and fell asleep in a daze.

Shen Xue fell asleep faster than Ning Huanxin. Ning Huanxin's consciousness was a little fuzzy. She felt that the sleepiness came suddenly. She planned to use spiritual power to wake herself up, but suddenly Ning Huanxin found that her spiritual power seemed to be used in this world. Not anymore.

By the way, this is a world constructed by a female ghost. If you want to forcefully use spiritual power, I am afraid that this world will collapse suddenly, the mission will fail, and at the same time...

Ning Huanxin glanced at the sleeping person beside her, and finally she smiled and closed her eyes slowly.

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