"Ring Ling Ling!"

Ning Huanxin was awakened by the alarm bell.

When she woke up, the dark room greeted her, strangely quiet.

Ning Huan frowned, subconsciously raised his hand to turn on the table lamp beside the bed, and then suddenly got up, seeing the empty big bed behind him, Ning Huan was taken aback--

Where is Shen Xue?

Where did she go?

At this time, Ning Huanxin was the only person in the entire bedroom, and her mobile phone was still shining at the bedside.

The time happened to be the alarm time set by Ning Huanxin earlier, but at this time Shen Xue had already disappeared.

Ning Huanxin immediately grabbed his mobile phone, and called Shen Xue while running outside——

Sorry, the number you dialed is not in the service area, please redial later!

Shen Xue's phone call has been unable to get through?

Ning Huanxin rushed out of the community, did not stop the car, and ran all the way to the direction of Yanjing Medical University.

When she arrived at the school gate, Ning Huanxin paused and looked around. She didn't see anyone at the school gate, so she went straight to the teaching building.

The place where Ruan Qingqing committed suicide was the old teaching building. Although the teaching building was a bit older, it was still in use in this world. When Ning Huanxin ran to the teaching building, he found the teaching building. The door was open, and she rushed upstairs without any hesitation, and ran to the top floor in one breath.

Opening the door to the roof of the top floor, a cold wind hit the door as soon as it opened, and Ning Huan shuddered subconsciously. She saw something on the roof.

To be precise, there are a few people on the roof.


Shen Xue was in it, and she was lying in the middle of the rooftop.

Ning Huanxin ran over with a solemn expression and held Shen Xue. While calling her name, she tested her pulse. Shen Xue's pulse was stable and she seemed to be just asleep.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's voice, not only Shen Xue, but the two brothers Ouyang Ling and Ye Family who were on the side also gradually came to life.

"Huh, why are we here?"

Ye Xing looked at the starlight in the sky in surprise, and looked at everything around him, his face immediately changed.

Even Ouyang Ling, who has always been calm and composed, looked strange at this time, and it was hard to conceal the astonishment in his eyes——

He obviously read in the study, and later...

It seemed like a burst of tiredness hit, and I fell asleep without knowing it!


Isn't it the roof of the old school building?

At this time, several people finally found out where they were, and their expressions became even more ugly.

"Han Jing, why are we here?"

At this time, Shen Xue rubbed her eyebrows and asked with some doubts.

"I do not know either."

Like everyone else, Ning Huanxin appeared confused: "I was here as soon as I woke up, and then I saw that everyone was there, we..."

Speaking of this, Ning Huanxin deliberately showed a somewhat scared look: "We will not be real...have we hit a ghost?"

"Don't panic, calm down."

At this time, Ouyang Ling stood up slowly: "Although things seem weird, it is not ruled out that it is artificial."

"Do you think this can be done by human power? God transported all of us here without knowing it?"

Ye Chen on the side refuted coldly. While talking, he subconsciously touched his pocket.

Something is still there!

Ye Chen immediately calmed down and turned to look at Shen Xue who was aside: "Shen Xue, what do you think?"

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