"Later, I graduated successfully from school and continued to study with excellent grades. During this period, my mentor gave me a lot of academic and spiritual help. He even showed me the scars on his body and let me know the past. How rebellious he is."

Having said this, Yao Rui couldn't help but smiled.

Who has never been young and frivolous?

"So... you later rejected the high-paying employment abroad, and instead came to Yanjing Medical University as a professor. Moreover, you and Ruan Qingqing have a close relationship, not because you have an unspeakable relationship between men and women, but simply Out of the psychology of the people who came here, I hope I can help Ruan Qingqing know how to get back when he is lost.

Ning Huan whispered in a low heart. She knew and understood Yao Rui's practices. He used to hate teachers, but in the end he became a teacher. The change during this period should be very big. This is also the most memorable in his life. Deep things.

It can be said that his mentor has influenced his life.

"Yes, I saw Ruan Qingqing back then as if I saw my young self, so I always look for opportunities to approach her outside school, want to approach her life, know everything about her, and help her well, who I know later...Sister Qin should have told you about Ruan Qingqing's affairs. She also took a step wrong and hated the mistake."

Yao Rui never resented or hated Ruan Qingqing.

"You are such a good teacher."

Ning Huanxin looked at Yao Rui seriously: "Then, can you come and tell me about your story with her?"

The "she" in Ning Huan's heart is naturally the female ghost in this teaching building.

"You're talking about Yang Zheng, in fact, she didn't mean anything to you. In the past few years, Yang Zheng's grievances in her heart have been calmed down a lot. Back then, Yang Zheng had an accident at school. Afterwards, Yang Zheng was concealed by the teacher She can’t look down, so her soul has been wandering around the teaching building until I met her once..."

Speaking of this, Yao Rui’s expression is a bit rich: "I don’t know why I met her, or even see her. Maybe it’s the destiny of heaven. At that time, Yang Zheng only appeared at night. I always thought she was I felt inferior because of the scar on the face and didn't dare to see anyone. At that time, I had no idea that she was a female ghost until... the day Ruan Qingqing died.

Yao Rui's voice lowered: "Ruan Qingqing really lied, and her lies also have a certain impact on my life, but I know she also has difficulties. I wanted to discuss with her how to deal with things. Solve, who knows that Yang Zheng will appear at this time."

Because Ruan Qingqing hurt her friend, and because Ruan Qingqing lied, Yang Zheng’s ghost recalled bad past events, so...

"Did Yang Zheng's ghost kill Ruan Qingqing?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly asked.

Why did Ruan Qingqing leave such a line of blood when he died?

In fact, the blood word was not left by Ruan Qingqing, but Yang Zheng left it on purpose.

That is her voice, that is her complaint.

In that line of blood, there is Yang Zheng's unwillingness, and her anger at the liar back then!

"You are right."

At this time, Yao Rui spoke again: "Yang Zheng pushed Ruan Qingqing downstairs, and... she was in a hostile manner and planned to kill all the people who concealed the truth back then! Naturally, I can't let her do that. For a period of time, I often stayed up all night, watching Yang Zheng all night and chatting with her. During that time, my spirit was very bad, because of Ruan Qingqing’s death and because of Yang Zheng’s resentment."

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