How can I be a good teacher?

How can Yang Zheng be freed from hatred?

Yao Rui thought for a long time and thought for many days. At that time, the rumors in the school were all over the sky. He was under a lot of pressure, and his parents were also angrily ill by Ruan Qingqing's affairs.

But Yao Rui couldn't say anything, should he tell everyone that Ruan Qingqing was killed by a female ghost?

Moreover, Yang Zheng wanted to kill Ruan Qingqing in part because of Yao Rui.

"Later, I finally thought of a solution, which is to die."

Yao Rui spoke again, with a calm tone.

"At that time, I was really exhausted. The doctor said I had depression. Maybe I decided to die. It was really because of my pressure. At the same time, I wanted to redeem my sin. Ruan Qingqing died because of me. Her death is an inescapable responsibility."

One life is worth one.

Yao Rui hopes to use his own death to calm Yang Zheng's anger and resentment, and also hopes to use his own death to offset Ruan Qingqing's life.


Speaking of her own suicide, Yao Rui said very calmly, as if she was telling other people's stories.


Ruan Qingqing was killed, but Yao Rui really committed suicide.

So why did Han Yu say Ruan Qingqing committed suicide and Yao Rui's cause of death was suspicious?

Ning Huan frowned, and then gave another helpless smile——

She almost forgot that this was the world Yang Zheng had constructed, and even Han Yu was a virtual person.

This is a world of lies.

Therefore, everything Han Yu has always said and the "clues" he provided to Ning Huanxin are false.

However, everything is no longer important now.


Ning Huanxin listened to Yao Rui's story, and she just smiled faintly: "I didn't expect this matter to be so complicated, but... why are you and Yang Zheng still in this school after so many years?"

This is what Ning Huanxin is most curious about.

The subject of the WeChat mission this time is liars. Now Ning Huanxin already knows all the causes and consequences of the whole thing.

The truth from more than 20 years ago finally emerged.

Whether it is Yang Zheng, Yao Rui, or Ruan Qingqing, everyone’s tragedies are related to lies.

"Twenty-five years have passed, haven't Yang Zheng's grievances dissipated yet?"

Twenty-five years ago, those who concealed the true cause of Yang Zheng's death for their own benefit, they have basically retired by now, or have already left the school.

Ning Huanxin found it strange, because Yang Zheng hadn't killed people again in these years. If the film crew came here and wanted to adapt the story of Yao Rui and Ruan Qingqing, I am afraid...Yang Zheng would not show up again, right?


"I do not know."

At this time, hearing Ning Huanxin’s question, Yao Rui on the side shook his head and said softly, "Yang Zheng should have been let go of these years, but I don’t know why, she has been unable to reincarnate, she has always been like me , Trapped here."

Yao Rui doesn't know what else is there.

When hearing Yao Rui's words, Ning Huanxin suddenly took a deep look at him: "Yao Rui, then...what about you? Why don't you want to leave here? Is there any worries and obsessions in my heart?"

Yao Rui didn’t know why Yang Zheng could not leave, but Ning Huanxin guessed something--

Could it be because Yao Rui couldn't leave, and Yang Zheng had always worried about him, so... she couldn't leave here either?

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