Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1602: 1602: The bamboo, horse and green plums meet again (2)

"Are you kidding? Will I find someone to accompany you?"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's teasing, Xie Yudie straightened her body and looked arrogant: "I will definitely find someone, so don't worry, the people chasing this lady can queue from the bedroom downstairs to the school gate. !"

"Ah, then I'll wait and see!"

Ning Huanxin snickered. In fact, she already had a personal choice in her heart, but she didn't know if Xie Yudie would look for that person?


On the day when Wu Yi came to Yanjing, little snowflakes were still floating in the sky. Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing drove to the airport to pick up the people, but they hadn’t seen each other for a while. Wu Yi seemed to have become more mature, and Xia Zhenzhen beside him was even more mature than before. It's pretty.

The two people are holding hands, it is still very sweet.

It seemed that the two of them were really happy. If Mei Aoxue knew about it, she would be very pleased.

"Xiao Huanxin, Jiang Lixing, you are here!"

Wu Yi was not polite, said hello to the two with a smile, and gave Jiang Lixing a hug.

In fact, he wanted to embrace Ning Huanxin, but when he thought of the temper of King Jiang, hey, for the sake of his own life, let's forget it!

"Why are you two? What about Xiaodie?"

Wu Yi looked around, but couldn't see Xie Yudie's shadow, this girl, how many years of friendship! He didn't come to pick him up.

"Um, Fluttershy just called me, they are on the way."

Ning Huanxin explained to Wu Yi.


Wu Yi was startled. Xie Yudie never fell in love after Zhou Han’s incident. Ning Huanxin also reminded Wu Yi not to ask about Zhou Han. Therefore, Wu Yi has not dared to ask Xie Yudie’s feelings during this period. When I heard Ning Huanxin mention "them", he immediately became interested.

"Xiao Huanxin, is Xiaodie in love again? What does her boyfriend do? Students in your school? Teacher? Or..."

"I do not know either."

Ning Huanxin shook her head blankly, and then whispered: "Xiaodie only said that she would bring people to pick up the plane and go to dinner together, but she didn't say who she was bringing."

"So mysterious?"

Wu Yi was thinking hard, and saw two familiar figures walking into the airport reception hall.

"Hurry up, you're all late! I blame you for going out so late!"

"How can you blame me? I always said that I couldn't go out at that time and there would be an accident. You didn't believe me. What happened? Did you get a rear-end collision?"

Xie Yudie took Xu Changan and the two people while arguing while walking in, and they could hear their quarrels from a distance.

Sure enough, Xu Changan was invited to "make up the number", Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing even looked at each other and smiled——

Sometimes, the fate that belongs to you can't escape, it's just a matter of whether or not the fate comes.

Seeing the noisy appearance of the two people, it is estimated that they have a long way to go!


Six people drove directly from the airport to the No. 7 Guild Hall. Jiang Lixing had already ordered the people to prepare private rooms so that they could have fun.

Seeing Ning Huanxin quarreling with Xie Yudie and Wu Yi like a child, Jiang Lixing just sat aside and smiled faintly.

"Mr. Jiang, how can you sit here alone in a daze?"

At this time, Xie Yudie suddenly rushed over, pulled Jiang Lixing and pushed him to Ning Huanxin's side: "You guys are getting married. Why don't we have a little excitement as we come to play today, okay with the truth?

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